What We Do

The Center for Career and Professional Development

Contributes directly to the social mobility of College of Staten Island students and alumni by empowering them to be marketable and competitive for life-long career opportunities through the delivery of a comprehensive range of services and individualized support that respects student needs and diversity. The CCPD invites faculty and staff to collaborate with us in engaging students in "career readiness" classroom activities and opportunities that will promotes sustained career and self-development growth and success.

Our Services:

  • Year by year Individualized Career Plan (ICP)
  • Career readiness assessments and surveys
  • Career exploration and research
  • Self-brand development
  • Resume and cover letter review
  • Internship advisement
  • Employment consultation
  • Professional networking through on campus and virtual career fairs, employer presentations, internship recruitment events
  • Interviewing and public speaking skill development
  • Experiential and work-based learning opportunities

The Center for Career & Professional Development recognizes the impact faculty and staff play in the academic and career success of students. By fostering and strengthening collaborative partnerships with faculty and staff, the CCPD supports faculty in bringing student career readiness into the classroom and to join with faculty and staff in advancing career opportunities for students across all areas of study.     
CCPD staff are available to: 

  • Visit your classroom to provide information and/or career readiness activities that support the inclusion of career planning/development in your course material
  • Partner with you in developing or planning career readiness classroom assignments, activities, or projects
  • Invite your students to the CCPD to continue career readiness planning as a follow-up to your classroom instruction
  • Provide you with up-to-date campus-wide and virtual career related resources  

Faculty and Staff can:

  • Suggest topics for future career readiness programming
  • Identify alumni willing to participate in career information programs, employer presentations, networking events, work-based learning career opportunities, career fairs, mentoring etc.
  • Meet with employers interested in hiring your students for jobs or internships
  • Encouraging your students to attend upcoming on-campus or virtual career fairs and other career related events/activities
  • Refer students to the CCPD as their "go to" center for all their career needs!

Connect with a CSI Alumni Mentor

Connect with a CSI alumni mentor who can help you with your career goals. Visit The CSI Pathfinder Alumni Mentorship Programpage.

  • Choose a career path
  • Create an Individualized Career Plan (ICP)
  • Utilize career testing and coaching
  • Establish a self-brand
  • Acquire verbal and written professional etiquette skills
  • Develop résumés and cover letters
  • Network with industry professionals and recruiters
  • Find jobs and internships
  • Interview for jobs and internships
  • Negotiate a salary