
Welcome College of Staten Island Faculty & Staff!

The Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) contributes directly to the social mobility of College of Staten Island students and alumni by empowering them to be marketable and competitive for life-long career opportunities through the delivery of a comprehensive range of services and individualized support that respects student needs and diversity.

The CCPD invites faculty and staff to collaborate with us in engaging students in "career readiness" classroom activities and opportunities that will promotes sustained career and self-development growth and success. 

Contact Information

The Center for Career and Professional Development

Building 1A, Room 105
Email The Center for Career and Professional Development

What We Offer:

  • Formulation of an Individualized Career Plan (ICP)
  • Self-assessment and career decision-making strategies and support
  • Career exploration & research
  • Internship search, application, and interview advisement 
  • Employment search, application, and interview consultation 
  • Professional self-branding and networking
  • Career Readiness skill building based on the NACE Competencies
  • Pre/post interview preparation and strategies 
  • Full range of on-campus and virtual career skill building resources 


The Center for Career & Professional Development recognizes the impact faculty and staff play in the academic and career success of students by fostering and strengthening collaborative partnerships with faculty and staff, the CCPD hopes to support faculty in bringing student career readiness into the classroom and to join with them in advancing career opportunities for students across all areas of study.

CCPD staff are available to 

  • Visit your classroom to provide information and/or career readiness activities that support your inclusion of career readiness in your course material 
  • Partner with you in developing or planning career-related classroom assignments, activities, or projects
  • Invite your students to the CCPD for career development planning as a follow up to your classroom material.
  • Provide you with up to date on campus and virtual resources though this site.  

Faculty and Staff Can:

  • Suggest topics for future career development programming
  • Identify alumni who may want to participate in career programs, panels, etc.
  • Meet with employers interested in hiring your students
  • Encourage students to make the CCPD their "go to" center for all their career needs!

Thank you for your interest in the “Faculty/Staff Career Readiness Partners” program as part of the Campus Career Ready Challenge.
To register on the site, please email the following information to us at careers@csi.cuny.edu

  • Your CSI email
  • Your EMPL ID

We will use this information to register you as a “user” which provides you with access to all the career readiness material on the site now and in the future.
Your EMPL ID will be used in the strictest of confidence for this purpose only and will be destroyed once the registration is completed.
We look forward to collaborating with you as a partner in our “Campus Career Ready Challenge” so please call upon us if we can be of any further support in helping your students to become “Career Ready.”  

Please help us add to student success at CSI by reporting if your students secure an internship or employment. To report internship/employment fill out the form below. Thank you!