
In-person and virtual services are available! 
We are here to help you have a smooth, seamless educational experience. Our in-person office hours are from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday in Building 2A-Room 107.  In addition, our Virtual Office of the Registrar is open Monday and Wednesday from 10am-noon, and Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm-4pm for live chats with our staff.

We also encourage you to review the other sections of our website for our departmental contact list, directions, important forms, registration updates, and more.

Please visit us in-person or virtually, or feel free to contact us via email when you need assistance navigating your enrollment journey.

Welcome to the Office of the Registrar!

What We Do

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for all student record processing as well as registration related activities.

On our website you can: order a transcript, print an enrollment verification, declare or change your major, minor or concentration, and apply to be a Visiting or Non-Degree Student. You can also access forms that may need to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Information on how to register for courses, apply for an epermit, view a schedule of classes and much more can also be found on our site.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Important Registration Information

Registration is coming up!

Registration for the Summer 2025 session opens on March 10, 2025, and on March 24, 2025 for the Fall 2025 semester: please check your CUNYfirst account for your specific appointment

Welcome to the Office of the Registrar!

What We Do

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for all student record processing as well as registration related activities.

On our website you can: order a transcript, print an enrollment verification, declare or change your major, minor or concentration, and apply to be a Visiting or Non-Degree Student. You can also access forms that may need to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Information on how to register for courses, apply for an epermit, view a schedule of classes and much more can also be found on our site.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Important Registration Information

Registration is coming up!

Registration for the Summer 2025 session opens on March 10, 2025, and on March 24, 2025 for the Fall 2025 semester: please check your CUNYfirst account for your specific appointment date and time. Remember that you can register for classes at any time on or after that assigned date, once you’ve met with your advisor and cleared any holds on your account.

Schedule Builder is available to help you find a course schedule to fit both your academic your personal needs. You can find more information and video tutorials here.


If you were previously matriculated at the College of Staten Island and would like to return, please fill out the readmit application in this link. The readmission application is now open for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025!

Note: Readmitted students will receive notification regarding their application status via email.


If you would like to attend the College of Staten Island as a visiting student from another institution, please read the information in this link and fill out the application for non-degree and visiting students.

Please make sure you bring an unofficial transcript from your home college/university, or an authorization letter/email giving you permission to take the specific course at CSI for which you will attempt to register.  Please note that students may do all of their transactions online, rather than in-person, if they follow the directions on the Visiting Student application and file their application early.  Additional permissions may be required by the departments.


If you are a non-degree student (these are students who are not currently enrolled in another school), please bring in a copy of your transcript. You may have to show this to the academic department to be permitted to take the desired course.

Late Registration: Important information on late registration after the deadline*: 

Registrations occurring after the deadline can only be done on an exception basis. The decision to allow this registration is at the discretion of the Instructor and Department Chairperson, with the final approval of the Division/School Dean. 

Registrations processed after the financial aid certification date (last day to add) do not qualify for financial aid. 

*The deadline for an "initial registration" is published in the academic calendar and any changes to that deadline will be posted to the web. 

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Contact Information

Susan Massara


Contacts Page

Click Below for

Building 2A, Room 107

Phone: 718.982.2120

Fax: 718.982.2584

Students requesting a transcript online
Classroom with alarm clock
Student happy to be back in class
Recent Graduate
Students completing forms