Additional Navigation
Faculty and Staff Online Resources
- Adobe
- D2L Brightspace
- CSI Bridge / VIP Portal
- CSI Connect:
- CUNY Accommodate, student disability management system,
- CUNY Alert
- CUNYfirst Info
- CUNY Virtual Desktop (VDI)
- DegreeWorks
- Dropbox
- Microsoft Office 365
- MyInfo
- Navigate CSI
- ZOOM Video Conferencing
Informational Resources
Instructional Guides
CUNY Login credentials: (XX being the last 2 or 3 digits of your EMPLID).
- Blackboard
- CUNYfirst
- CUNY Buy
- Navigate Faculty
- M365 including OneDrive and Teams
- Dropbox
- Zoom
- Log on to the computers at CSI
- Log on to CSI WIFI
- IT Forms
- Campus Intranet
- CSI Dashboard
Teaching Modalities
Technology on Campus
Student Online Resources
- Adobe
- D2L Brightspace
- CSI Bridge / VIP Portal : Ask Admissions Office questions
- CSI Connect:
- CUNY Alert
- CUNY Accommodate, student disability management system,
- CUNYfirst Info
- CUNY Virtual Desktop (VDI) (Apporto)
- DegreeWorks
- Dropbox
- Microsoft Office 365
- MyInfo
- Navigate CSI
- ZOOM Video Conferencing
Career Readiness
Financial Resources
Informational Resources
Instructional Guides
Learning Modalities
CUNY Login credentials: (XX being the last 2 or 3 digits of your EMPLID).
- Apply Now
- Blackboard
- CUNYfirst
- FACTS (CUNYfirst Student Services Center )
- Degree Works (CUNYfirst Student Services Center)
- Navigate
Students: "Navigate Student" app in the App Store or Google Play.
- M365 including OneDrive and Teams
- Dropbox
- Zoom
- Log on to the computers at CSI
- Log on to CSI WIFI
- IT Forms
Technology on Campus
- Computer Labs:
- In Person labs: You can check the number of computers available in specific labs for in-person use.
- Device Loaner Program
- eduroam
- Outdoor Wireless Locations