Scholarship Opportunities

No one disputes that scholarships are great—they can pay for tuition or books, but they can also free up time. Instead of having to work to pay for those things, you can spend your time doing internships, or studying abroad. Here are some resources to make that happen. Some of the funding below is episodic, so be sure to read the information carefully before applying. Other funding is open to the general population, but some funds are earmarked specifically for Verrazzano Students

Katie Geschwendt Verrazzano Study Abroad Scholarships

You are strongly encouraged to participate in a study abroad program as part of your undergraduate experience, and we can tell you all the good reasons to study abroad, like exploring academic interests, developing professional goals, strengthening communication and problem-solving abilities, interacting with people from different cultures, improving language skills, experiencing personal growth, and gaining new perspectives. And you know that studying abroad is also a great resume builder for graduate school and job applications. All these are true.

But here’s the thing: you will walk on the planet in a different way after studying abroad. To learn more about Verrazzano student study abroad experiences and other activities and accomplishments of Verrazzano students, please visit The Verrazzano Voyager blog. Let Verrazzano help make this possible for you!

Eligible Verrazzano students who participate in summer or winter CSI-sponsored study abroad programs will receive $500, and students who participate in CSI-sponsored semester-long programs will receive $1000. This includes CSI faculty-led programs, CSI programs, and CSI Exchange Ambassador Programs. Students can only receive this scholarship one time. However, you’re encouraged to study abroad again if you’re bitten by the travel bug!

Eligibility Criteria: 

To receive the Verrazzano Honors Study Abroad Scholarship, Verrazzano students must:

  • Be in good standing with The Verrazzano School Honors Program.
  • Have been a member of The Verrazzano School Honors Program for at least two semesters.
  • Complete their yearly VELA and community service requirements before participating in the study abroad program.
  • Apply for the CSI-sponsored study abroad program by the posted application deadline.
  • Notify The Verrazzano School Honors Program of their application for a CSI-sponsored study abroad program.

CSI offers many wonderful study abroad opportunities for students. To learn more, visit

College of Staten Island Foundation Scholarships

The College of Staten Island has made is very easy to apply to all CSI scholarships. Each year, you complete one application, and then the scholarship office automatically considers you for every scholarship for which you are eligible. Applications are due in early spring. Visit their website to download the application.

External Scholarships

In addition to College of Staten Island Scholarships, there are a multitude of external scholarships outside CSI. The Scholarship office has created a searchable Fellowship and Scholarship Database to get you started looking for scholarships for which you are eligible. These include nationally competitive scholarships.

The site also includes links to CUNY Prestigious Scholarships.