Grant Opportunities

Getting the most out of your college education means doing more than going to class and going home. We encourage you to get involved in research take what you’re learning in the classroom and apply it not just in your job, but in the world. Here are some resources to make that happen. Some of the funding below is episodic, so be sure to read the information carefully before applying. Other funding is open to the general population, but some funds are earmarked specifically for Verrazzano Students.

CSI Undergraduate Research Stipend Program

These stipends are not guaranteed to be available every year.

Undergraduate Research Stipends are available to students through a competitive application process. Undergraduate Research Stipends help support students engaging in research/scholarship in all disciplines under the guidance of a CSI faculty advisor.  Applications must be future-oriented; funds will not be awarded for research/scholarship projects already completed.

Successful applicants for Undergraduate Research Stipends will clearly identify how their research/scholarship supports the pursuit and achievement of their academic and professional goals through in-depth work in their major(s)/minor(s) or integrative cross-disciplinary work.

Awards of up to $1,000 will be distributed.  Stipends are to be used to support student activities, rather than faculty activities or research facilities. Applicants are not required to be doing research for independent study credit, although those who are participating in projects for credit are welcome to apply.

Baccalaureate student (or Associates Degree students continuing immediately on to the Baccalaureate program) are eligible to submit an application. Applications are advertised through departments and faculty (and through the Verrazzano Honors Program) when they are made available, typically in late fall for funding of spring research.

CUNY Pipeline Program

While not a grant opportunity per se, the CUNY Pipeline Program is a great way to get involved in research. The Pipeline Program is a CUNY-wide initiative designed to provide educational and financial support to CUNY undergraduates from groups currently underrepresented in our nation's universities who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in preparation for college-level teaching and advanced research.

They provide stipends totaling $6000 in addition to academic and professional development resources. Learn more at

Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (National Science Foundation)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides funding for Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) sites throughout the country in a wide variety of STEM and social science disciplines. Accepted students are payed to conduct research on a defined project for 10-12 weeks over the summer. At least half of the students selected for the program must come from outside the host institution. In addition to research, programs usually provide other enrichment experiences. This is a fabulous way to get a great research experience, network with faculty at other institutions, and travel during the summer. Seriously, these are awesome on a resume.