Visiting and Non-Degree Registration

Visiting and non-degree students are students currently not matriculated at CSI. To become a visiting and non-degree student, you must fill out an application.  Additionally, please go to the registration schedule for information on when to register. 

Look here for available courses.

If you have any questions, comments etc. please email us at

Courses are subject to availability.

Visiting Student Registration

In order to ensure students have the ability to register even while away at school, all visiting student registration is now conducted online via the CUNYfirst portal. Instructions and how-to guides will be sent once a visiting application is processed.

If you are visiting from another college, you will be required to send either an unofficial transcript from your home college/university, and/or an authorization letter giving you permission to take the specific course at CSI for which you plan to register. Additional permissions may be required by the departments.

Non-Degree Student Registration

Non-degree students must still meet all prerequisite requirements of a course in order to register. If you are registering for a course that requires a prerequisite you will need to either send an unofficial transcript proving you have taken the equivalent prerequisite at another school or see the department to discuss your ability to take the course without the requisite.

Immunization Requirements

Visiting and non-degree students are subject to the college’s immunization requirements.