Frequently Asked Questions

Registration FAQ

When I log onto CUNYfirst, why can't I register?
What is an Overtally (class permission)? How do I get one?
What is a Requisite Waiver (class permission)? How do I get one?
When can I drop a class?  
How can I drop a class?
What will happen if I withdraw/drop a class?
What types of withdrawals are there?
When/What is Freshmen Registration/Orientation?
How do I Readmit?
What is Reactivation?
What if I am a Visiting Student?
What if I am a Transfer Student?
How many credits may I register for in a given semester?
What is a STOP (Service Indicator)?
I’m having trouble logging on to the CUNY Portal, or I can but cannot access CUNYfirst. Who do I call?
I have questions about my financial aid. Who/Where do I go?
I took a course previously and now would like to take it again, is this possible?
I am getting an error message when trying to add a course, how do I resolve it?
What is the Waitlist?

Records Update FAQ

How do I change my major or add a minor?
How do I change my address?
How do I change my name?
What are the rules for in-state residency classification?
How do I get my enrollment certified for an outside agency?
How do I request a copy of my transcript?


What is an ePermit?
What are the requirements to apply for an ePermit?
If I have a hold on my record can I apply for an ePermit?
How many courses can I take on ePermit?
How do I apply for an ePermit?
How do I pay for an ePermit?
How do I register for an ePermit I was approved for?
Can I repeat a course on ePermit?
Can I cancel an ePermit?
If I am having a problem with ePermit who can I contact?
How can I check the status of my ePermit after I have applied?

Graduation FAQ

What is the difference between graduation and commencement?
Is it possible for me to graduate in one semester and complete the courses required for my major during the following semester?
Do I have to pay any fees to apply for graduation?
What are the deadlines to apply for graduation?
What if I missed the deadline to apply for graduation?
How many credits do I need to earn a degree at CSI?
What are the degree requirements for my major?
The degree requirements have changed since I entered the College of Staten Island. Will that affect my graduation?
Can I earn two degrees at the same time?
How many credits do I need in order to apply for graduation?
What grade point average (GPA) do I need in order to graduate with honors?
When can I pick up my diploma?
When and where do I sign up for senior portraits and cap and gowns?
How do I prevent my name from being displayed in the commencement program and the Advance newspaper?
Can I graduate if I have an incomplete (INC) grade on my transcript?

Transfer FAQ

How do I request permission to take a course at another institution?
I am a returning student. Where should I send my transcript?
What is the maximum number of credits that can transfer?
I have general elective credits in my major (for example, 30 EDC 199 credits); how can I get these evaluated?
What are challenge exams and how can challenge exams benefit me?
I was exempt from composition classes at my former college; do I have to take Eng 111 and Eng 151?
How can I transfer AP (Advanced Placement) credits?
What is the difference between AP (Advanced Placement) credits and College Now credits?
I transferred 90 credits to CSI. What requirements must I satisfy for my CSI degree?
I have a degree from SUNY. Will I lose credits if I transfer to CSI?
What are the General Education requirements at CSI?
My Ped 190 (1.0 credit) was waived. Does this mean I only need 119 credits to graduate?
I took college credits in high school. Why didn't they transfer?
I have to leave CSI for personal reasons. What should I do to drop my classes?
My college sent my transcripts three weeks ago. How will I know that you received it?
I was academically dismissed and went to Kingsborough for 2 semesters. How do I return to CSI?
How do I send my military transcripts for evaluation?
I have military experience, but no college credits. Do I qualify for Ped 190 waiver?
My former college is not accredited. Can I receive transfer college credits?

Faculty/Staff FAQ

When do I have to submit grades?
Is the final exam schedule available?
Is the Academic Calendar available?
How can I revise the prerequisites on a course or degree requirements?
How can I propose a new course, a change an existing course, or a change in degree program?
What format should be used when submitting course/degree proposals?
What is consultation and why is it included in the proposal format?
How do I get information on course scheduling?
How do I submit a request for a course fee?
How do I submit room change requests?
Who do I contact in the Registrar to refer a student or get answers to my questions?


What is a waitlist?
How do I know if a class has a waitlist?
How do I get onto a waitlist?
I am in one class and don’t want to lose my seat, but really would prefer another class. How can I use waitlist to help?
I am on the waitlist, now what?
Does waitlist recognize class permissions?
Will I be notified when I am auto-enrolled from the waitlist?
What are the chances that I will be auto-enrolled from the waitlist?
How do I know what position I am on the waitlist and how many students are ahead of me?
I really need a particular class. Can I waitlist for more than one section of the same course?
I am on a waitlist for a class, but I don’t need it anymore. How do I leave the waitlist? I don’t want to be enrolled by accident.
Am I charged tuition for being on a waitlist?
The system won’t let me waitlist for a class, why?
I am on the waitlist, but I think the system is skipping me. Why am I not being auto-enrolled into the class?

Registration FAQ

Q: When I log onto CUNYfirst, why can’t I register?

A: There are several reasons why you may not be able to register:

  1. There is a stop (service indicator) on your account that must be released by that office – some of the common stops include bursar, immunization, advisement, dismissal and departmental
  2. Exceeding your credit limit – please go to "How many credits may I register for in a given semester?" for information on the number of credits allowed per semester.
  3. You have not taken the prerequisite or the co-requisite – be sure to read the message in its entirety as all requisites for a given course will be listed not just the missing one.
  4. The course section is closed – please chose another section.

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Q: What is an Overtally (class permission)? How do I get one?

A: An overtally is a request to enroll in a class that is filled to capacity. You must obtain permission from the instructor to overtally into a course.Permission to overtally must be entered into CUNYfirst under the course and section a student wishes to register for. This action is performed by the department after an instructor has indicated his or her approval. Once permission has been entered into CUNYfirst a student can then register themselves for the course on CUNYfirst.
Please note: not all academic departments issue overtallies.

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Q: What is a Requisite Waiver (class permission)? How do I get one?

A: A requisite waiver allows a student to register for a course without the specific pre/co-requisite requirements at the time of registration. You must obtain permission from the academic department, over that course, to be waived from the pre/co-requisite requirements. Departments can issue this permission electronically which will allow the student to register online for the course.

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Q: When can I drop a class?

A: You can drop a class without penalty any time BEFORE the first day of classes for a given semester. You can do this online via CUNYfirst or use the add/drop course  form.. After the semester starts, there is a refund schedule that can be found online in the Academic Calendar. If you drop a class during the refund period, no record is made on your transcript, and your refund will be based on the Academic Calendar.

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Q: How can I drop a class?

A: You can drop a class without penalty any time BEFORE the first day of classes for a given semester. You can do this online via CUNYfirst or use the add/drop course form.. After the semester starts, there is a refund schedule that can be found online in the Academic Calendar. If you drop a class during the refund period, no record is made on your transcript, and your refund will be based on the Academic Calendar.

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Q: What will happen if I withdraw/drop a class?

A: If you are dropping a class during the refund period, your refund will be determined by the Academic Calendar. If you are dropping a class after the refund period, it is considered a Withdrawal, and will be given a “W” grade on your transcript. This will not affect your GPA. Withdrawals may have other academic or financial implications. It is the student’s responsibility to understand these effects before they withdraw. If you receive financial aid, including loans, you should contact them before withdrawing. You can withdraw from classes online up until the last day to withdraw, which can also be found on the Academic Calendar.

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Q: What types of withdrawals are there?

A: If you do not attend a course you are responsible for dropping/withdrawing from the course.

There are three types of withdrawals:
(1) Partial withdrawal (2) Complete withdrawal (3) Medical Withdrawal. Partial or complete withdrawals during the “withdrawal” period are assigned a “W” grade.

A partial or complete withdrawal can be done online (via Schedule Builder) through the last day to withdraw, which is listed on the Academic Calendar.

Medical withdrawals, which must include documentation from a physician, should be submitted to the College Health Center (Building 1C-Room 112). SUBMISSION OF A MEDICAL WITHDRAWAL DOES NOT GUARANTEE A REFUND. Medical withdrawals are subject to the regular College refund schedule found on the Academic Calendar, unless another program rule supersedes this calendar.

  • During the first three weeks of the semester (see appropriate Academic Calendar for actual dates), if a “W” grade is not awarded, the course is deleted from the student’s record, and a refund of 75%, 50%, or 25% is issued if the student is or becomes less than full-time.
  • From the fourth week through the last day of class, a “W” grade may be recorded, and no refund is issued.
  • After the last day of classes, no refund is issued, and the request must be accompanied by a release from each instructor.

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Q: When/What is Freshmen Registration/Orientation?

A: The Center for Advising and Academic Success will contact all incoming freshmen to invite them to a “New Student Orientation” session. During orientation an introduction to the College is given, and courses are selected with the aid of an advisor.

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Q: How do I Readmit?

A: This can be done by filling out an online form. Alternatively, you may fill out a paper Application for Undergraduate Readmission at the Office of the Registrar, room 2A-107.

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Q: What is Reactivation?

A: If you have been admitted to CSI, but never registered for classes, you must go to the Office of Recruitment & Admissions.

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Q: What if I am a Visiting Student?

A: If you are currently attending another College or University and want to take a class at CSI, you are considered a Visiting Student. To apply for visiting student status, fill out an online form. Alternatively, you may fill out a Visiting Student Application at the Office of the Registrar, room 2A-107. Please go to this link to find out more about becoming a visiting student at CSI.

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Q: What if I am a Transfer Student?

A: If you are currently attending, or have attended, another College or University and now want to attend CSI, you are a transfer student. You need to complete an Application for Undergraduate Admissions. Information on this process may be found at the Transfer Student Information website.

Back to FAQ

Q: How many credits may I register for in a given semester?

A: Students may take up to 18 credits in a given semester, with the following exceptions:

  • If your GPA is 3.1-3.49 and you have completed at least 30 credits at CSI, you may register for up to 20 credits in the fall or spring semester.
  • If your GPA is 3.5-4.0 and you have completed at least 30 credits at CSI, you may register for up to 22 credits in the fall or spring semester.
  • If you have been placed on academic warning or probation, you may not exceed 14 credits in the fall or spring semester.
  • All students are limited to a maximum of 8 credits in the summer.
  • All students are limited to a maximum of one class in the winter session.
  • Students wishing to take credits beyond the limits listed above require special permission from the appropriate dean or their designee. 

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Q: What is a STOP (Service Indicator)?

A: A Stop is a block on a student’s account. It can be from any department (Bursar, Admissions, Health Center, Library, Center for Advising and Academic Success, etc.) You cannot register for classes or readmit while a stop is in place. The Registration Office cannot remove stops.

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Q: I’m having trouble logging on to the CUNY Portal, or I can but cannot access CUNYfirst. Who do I call?

A: All systems help is provided through the Help Desk (room 2A-306) 718-982-3695.

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Q: I have questions about my financial aid. Who/Where do I go?

A: All questions need to be asked at Enrollment Services or the Financial Aid office.

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Q: I took a course previously and now would like to take it again, is this possible?

A: Yes, it is possible to repeat a course. Please see the full guidelines for course repeats in the appropriate Catalog. You can register online for a repeat course using CUNYfirst but, please be aware of warning messages and check with Financial Aid as it may impact your aid.

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Q: I am getting an error message when trying to add a course, how do I resolve it?

A: Please see below for error messages that may come up during your registration and how to resolve the errors.
General Messages

Message Reasons for Error Action Necessary to Clear Error
Already enrolled in class, add not processed An enrollment record already exists for the class and term specified. Verify class number and term, and resubmit the request. The student is already enrolled in the exact class number he is trying to select.
Multiple enrollment not allowed for course, add not processed Multiple enrollment for this course is not allowed. The student may swap to another section if available, but cannot enroll in the same course twice.
No valid appointment found and open enrollment period has not begun The open enrollment period has not begun and no valid enrollment appointment was found. The enrollment request was not processed. The student either a) does not have an enrollment appointment or b) the enrollment appointment has not yet started. Students should check their self-service page for the date/time of their enrollment appointment.
Unit limit exceeded for appointment period Add transaction not processed. The maximum term unit load would be exceeded. The student may come to the Registrar’s office or see their academic advisor to determine if they are eligible for an overload. If necessary they will be referred to the appropriate office for an appeal of those limits.
Hold on record, add not processed There is a hold on this record, preventing the add from being processed. The hold must be removed to process the add transaction. The student must see the office or department that placed the service indicator for resolution.
A required related Class (component XXXX) must also be selected There is an additional component required for enrollment that is missing. This is a multi-component course where the student must select both a lecture and seminar, or lecture/lab/recitation, as examples. All components are required.

Error Messages That Require Class Permissions

Message Reasons for Error Action Necessary to Clear Error
Not enrolled, class XXXX full The enrollment limit for the specified class has been reached. The system also displays this message if the available space in the class is subject to reserve capacity requires (ex: reserved for particular majors, for freshman/transfers, etc.). The student may obtain "Closed Class" permission from the department or instructor and re-register. "Closed Class" permission can take seats from reserve capacity-related errors as well, but should not be used since it will take seats away from the reserved group.
Requisites not met for class, not enrolled Requirements have not been met to enroll in the specified class. The enrollment transaction was not processed. The student may obtain "Requisites Not Met" permission from the department or instructor and re-register.
Permission to enroll in this class is required. The class falls outside of the career of study. The system prevents undergraduates from registering for graduate or doctoral courses, and so on. The student may obtain "Career Restriction" permission for the class from the instructor or department and re-register.
Department consent required. This class requires department consent for all students. The student may obtain "Consent Required" permission for the class from the instructor or department and re-register.
Permission is required to enroll in this class The enrollment limit for the specified class has been reached. The system also displays this message if the available space in the class is subject to reserve capacity requires (ex: reserved for particular majors, for freshman/transfers, etc.). The student may obtain "Closed Class" permission from the department or instructor and re-register. "Closed Class" permission will work for reserve capacity-related errors as well, but should not be used since it will take seats away from the reserved group.
Time scheduling conflict for class XXXX and XXXX, not enrolled A scheduling conflict exists with a currently enrolled class. Select another class, or override the time conflict. The student may bring approval
From the Instructor/Department allowing the conflict to the Registrar Service Center.

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Records Update FAQ

Q: How do I change my major or add a minor?

A: Change of Curriculum or Major or add minor
OfficeStudents who wish to declare or change their major or minor may do so online. Login using SLAS account information is required. There is no fee. Students may add a minor in the same manner.

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Q: How do I change my address?

A: Students can change any address other that their “Primary” address in CUNYfirst at the Student Center. Students who wish to change their primary address can do so online.

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Q: How do I change my name?

A: Students who wish to change their name please click here for more information.

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Q: What are the rules for in-state residency classification?

A: Students who wish to change their residency status can do so online.

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Q: How do I get my enrollment certified for an outside agency?

A: You can by obtaining this certification online. Students may also file a request with the Office of the Registrar in-person for a certification of enrollment. Students must be enrolled and tuition paid, for the semester of certification, prior to this certification being completed.

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Q: How do I request a copy of my transcript?

A: You can order transcripts online.

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Q: What is an ePermit?

A: ePermit facilitates the process of CUNY students obtaining permission to register for courses offered at other CUNY colleges. Please note that an ePermit does not automatically register a student for a course nor does issuance of an e-permit guarantee enrollment at the Host College.

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Q: What are the requirements to apply for an ePermit?


  • Students must have 2.0 (or higher) cumulative GPA
  • Students must currently be matriculated at CSI
  • Students must have no negative holds on their records (This includes Advisement and Bursar holds)
  • All immunization requirements must be met
  • Students must have completed a full semester and can’t be in their 1st semester at CSI (this rule does not apply to Macaulay Honors, CUNY BA and ROTC students)
  • Students must have completed the necessary prerequisites for the CSI equivalent course

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Q: If I have a hold on my record can I apply for an ePermit?

A: If you have a "negative service indicator" (stop or hold) on your record, you must clear it with the office that placed the hold on your record before you can apply for a permit.

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Q: How many courses can I take on ePermit?

A: There is no limit to how many classes a student can take on ePermit except for the credit limit for the semester (students cannot take more than 18 credits in a regular semester without permission). Students can take a combination of ePermit and CSI courses. If you wish to exceed the credit load for a particular term, you must obtain permission from your departmental advisor.

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Q: How do I apply for an ePermit?

A: 1. CSI students who wish to take a course at another CUNY school can do so by filing an ePermit application. Students with a GPA under 2.0 or who are in their 1st semester are not eligible to file for an ePermit. Please note that if you are an ROTC or CUNY BA student in your first semester, you can take classes on ePermit.

2. The ePermit system can be accessed through CUNYfirst:

NAVIGATION: HR/Campus Solution ->Self Service ->Student Center ->
Academics drop-down menu ->ePermit

Please click here for Step by Step Instructions in PDF format

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Q: How do I pay for an ePermit?

A: Payment for your e-Permit courses is made to CSI, NOT the Host College. Students eligible for financial aid are to apply through their Home College and are responsible for meeting any credit load requirements. Tuition is calculated based on the Host college credits. Courses for which material fees are applied are paid by the student to the Host College.

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Q: How do I register for an ePermit I was approved for?

A: Prior to taking courses at another institution a student should inquire at the Host College for registration dates and procedures governing permit/visiting students. Students may have to go in person to register for their approved course or in some instances may be able to register through CUNYfirst depending on the Host College’s policies.

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Q: Can I repeat a course on ePermit?

A: Students can repeat a course on permit and they will only get credit for it once and both grades are calculated in their GPA. HOWEVER, courses and grades on permit cannot be used towards the "F" policy. Courses must be taken at the same institution that the "F" grade was given. For more information please visit our academic policies page for repeat grade information.

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Q: Can I cancel an ePermit?

A: To make sure you are not billed for courses you do not intend to take please make sure you drop them prior to the start of classes. The course must be dropped at the Host College and you must also drop the ePermit at CSI for a 100% refund. If you do not drop the course prior to the first date of classes you will have to provide proof that you did not register at the host college or state the number of credits you are taking there and the drop date. The latest this should be done is the first week of classes.

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Q: If I am having a problem with ePermit who can I contact?

A: If you are having trouble with ePermit, please feel free to email us at, visit our ePermit page and you can always reach a registrar representative in our office located in building 2A-107 or by phone at 718-982-2120 between the hours of Monday-Thursday 9-5.

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Q: How can I check the status of my ePermit after I have applied?

A: Students can see that a permit has been approved by using the “search ePermit” option in self-service.

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Graduation FAQ

Q. What is the difference between graduation and commencement?

A. Students graduate at the point where all the degree requirements are satisfied. There are three graduations terms a year; spring (degree is posted on June 15), summer (degree is posted on August 31) and fall (degree is posted on January 15).

Commencement is a ceremony held once a year for all candidates for graduation of that year. The commencement date is published in the spring college calendar.

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Q. Is it possible for me to graduate in one semester and complete the courses required for my major during the following semester?

A. No, in order to graduate ALL degree requirements for all majors and minors must be completed.

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Q. Do  I have to pay any fees to  apply for graduation?

A. No.

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Q. What are the deadlines to apply for graduation?

A. We graduate students three times per year, in January, June, and August. The application periods are as follows:

  • January (fall) graduation: apply between July 2 and October 1.
  • June (spring) graduation: apply between October 2 and March 1.
  • August (summer) graduation: apply between January 2 and July 1.

*Please note that while we accept summer graduation applications through July 1, the deadline to have your name included on any lists or in any publications for graduation is March 1. After March 1, we cannot guarantee that your name will appear in any printed materials.

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Q. What if I missed the deadline to apply for graduation?

A. You should immediately apply for graduation for the next available cycle, and then go to your academic department or program director and ask that they review your transcript for graduation.  If they agree you have already met or are meeting the requirements for a degree, ask them to send an email to requesting that you be added to graduation late.  Then, check your DegreeWorks notes and graduation status in CUNYfirst.

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Q. How many credits do I need to earn a degree at CSI?

A. Students who enter under the catalog beginning in the fall of 1996 up to the present, are required to have 120 credits for Bachelor degrees* and 60 credits for Associate degrees*. Prior to the fall 1996 catalog students were required to have 128 credits for Bachelor degrees and 64 credits for Associate degrees. (*Exceptions include: Bachelor of Science (BS): Biology, Computer Science, Engineering Science, Associate in Applied Science (AAS): Computer Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing). You must complete the minimum number of credits required for your degree according to the catalog. You are also required to complete half of the total credits required for you major and 30 credits at CSI for residency. Waivers of courses do not release students from acquiring the total number of credits required to complete the major, fulfill general education requirements or earn a degree.

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Q. What are the degree requirements for my major?

A. The degree requirements are listed in the College of Staten Island Catalog which is available online. You may also access your degree requirements on DegreeWorks, the student advisement audit system through the CUNY Login. The requirements for your degree are taken from the catalog which is in effect at the time you declare your major. Catalogs begin in the fall semester and end in the spring semester. Students who become matriculated in the summer semester follow the fall catalog of that year.

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Q. The degree requirements have changed since I entered the College of Staten Island. Will that affect my graduation?

A. Possibly. If you stop attending the college for four consecutive semesters or if you change your major, you are required to use the catalog for the semester you reentered the college. Students should seek academic advisement at The Center for Advising and Academic Success (CAAS) in 1A-101 prior to applying for graduation in order to make sure that they have taken the courses required for their major and are using the correct catalog.

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Q. Can I earn two degrees at the same time?

A. Yes. In order to earn a second baccalaureate or associate degree from the College of Staten Island, students must complete 30 credits, in residence, in addition to the number of credits required for the first degree.

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Q. How many credits do I need in order to apply for graduation?

A. In order to apply for graduation students must have completed a minimum of 34 credits to apply for associate degrees, 94 credits must be completed for baccalaureate degrees, and 12 credits for Master's degrees. Applicants who have not completed the minimum credits required to apply for graduation will be automatically declined without further review.

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Q. What grade point average (GPA) do I need in order to graduate with honors?

For undergraduate degrees  only, the honor codes are as based on your cumulative final GPA as follows:
GPA of 3.50 - 3.74 = Cum Laude
GPA of 3.75 - 3.89 = Magna Cum Laude,
GPA of 3.90 - 4.00 = Summa Cum Laude.
Students can receive requirements to earn departmental honors by clicking on the link below. When the honors portion of the program is complete the departmental honors will be stipulated on their transcript when their degree is awarded.

Please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for Honors in the Major requirements.

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Q. How will I receive my  diploma?

A. Diplomas are customarily  available two  months after the degree conferral date. Graduates will be notified via email  when the digitial diplomas  are available for download.  Paper diplomas will be mailed directly to the student by the diploma vendor. Transcripts with the degree posted on it and certification letters are available after the degree posting days which are listed in the first question.

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Q. When and where do I sign up for senior portraits and cap and gowns?

A. The Office of the Registrar  is not involved with the ordering or purchasing of senior portraits or  graduation regalia.  Please refer to the  official commencement website.

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Q. How do I prevent my name from being displayed in the commencement program and the Advance newspaper?

A. Your name will not appear in the Commencement Program, newspaper, or any other printed or electronic media if you have completed a "Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information."
To remove the privacy notice and allow your name to be published, you must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing no later than March 1st.

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Q. Can I graduate if I have an incomplete (INC) grade on my transcript?

A. No. Incomplete (INC) grades must be resolved prior to graduation.

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Transfer FAQ

Q: How do I request permission to take a course at another institution?


Use the ePermit function on your Student Center in CUNYfirst. See ePermit FAQs for more information


Permission to take courses at other colleges is granted only to currently enrolled matriculated students. Applications for permit, which require the approval of the department chairperson and the Registrar, are available in the Registrar's Office. Tuition for courses taken on permit at other CUNY colleges must be paid at the College of Staten Island during the regular registration period. The Bursar's receipt for this registration, together with the approved permit form, will enable students to register at another CUNY college. Tuition and fees for a course taken on permit at a non-CUNY school must be paid directly to the host school. Courses taken on permit will be transferred to CSI with the grade assigned by the host college.

Students on permit must request that a transcript be sent from the host college to the Registrar at the College of Staten Island. A student who registers for permit courses but who is unable to complete the course registration at the host college should officially withdraw from the permit course(s) promptly. The University refund schedule applies to dropping permit credits unless the student presents a letter from the host college that the student was unable to register for the permit courses.

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Q: I am a returning student. Where should I send my transcript?

A: College of Staten Island
Transfer Unit
Registrar's Office
Bldg. 2A-110
2800 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10314
(718) 982-2135

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Q: What is the maximum number of credits that can transfer?

A: The maximum number of credits that can transfer is 90 credits.

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Q: I have general elective credits in my major (for example, 30 EDC 199 credits); how can I get these evaluated?

You must supply course descriptions to the corresponding academic department for review..

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Q: What are challenge exams and how can challenge exams benefit me?

A: Departmental Challenge Examinations: At the discretion of academic departments or programs, students may take departmental challenge exams to demonstrate college-level competency in courses that have not been taken at CSI (or at any other college), and for which no credit was received.

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Q: I was exempt from composition classes at my former college; do I have to take Eng 111 and Eng 151?

A: You must see the chairperson of the English Department to be exempt from required English classes.

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Q: How can I transfer AP (Advanced Placement) credits?

A: Credit by Examination

External Agencies:

The College will grant matriculated students a maximum of 30 credits on the basis of, among others, the following: Advanced Placement Courses (AP), Regents College Examinations, American College Testing Proficiency (ACT-PEP), and College Level Examination Programs (CLEP).

The College grants credits for designated CLEP General Examinations. For CLEP introductory subject exams with separate essay tests, the College requires that students take both the multiple-choice objective test and the separate essay test. Award of credit is based on performance on both parts of the subject exam. In order to receive credit, students must pass the subject examinations with a scaled score in at least the 50th percentile and minimally equivalent to a passing grade of C. CSI only accepts certain CLEP exams for credit, please make sure to review allowable exams on the CLEP website before registering for a test.

Academic departments or programs may authorize the assignment of specific course equivalents for credit-by-examination through outside agencies. Otherwise, such credits will be acceptable only as elective credits. Credits granted by examination through outside agencies will appear on student records appropriately identified by type of exam, subject, number of credits and P (passing) grade. No credit will be awarded for a subject area examination in which the student has already taken an equivalent college course or completed a higher level, more advanced college course. Based on transfer review and recommendations, the Office of The Registrar monitors and coordinates the awarding of credit by examinations taken through outside agencies and the implementation of uniform College policy on credit-by-examination.

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Q: What is the difference between AP (Advanced Placement) credits and College Now credits?

A: AP and College Now credits are the same.

The College will grant placement and credits to a maximum of 30 credits, on the basis of special examinations taken prior to admission. These include approved high school advanced placement examination, Regents Examinations, Educational Testing Service examinations, Departmental Challenge examinations, New York State College Proficiency examinations, and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Further information is available from the Office of The Registrar.

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Q: I transferred 90 credits to CSI. What requirements must I satisfy for my CSI degree?

A: To obtain a degree, associates or baccalaureate, from the College of Staten Island students must earn a minimum of 30 credits through courses taken at the College. To qualify for a bachelor's degree from the College, students must also earn at least half (50%) of the credits required for the major through courses taken at the College. To obtain a One-Year Certificate from the College of Staten Island , at least half (50%) of the required credits must be earned in courses taken at the College.

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Q: I have a degree from SUNY. Will I lose credits if I transfer to CSI?

A: Students who enter CSI with certain degrees from accredited post-secondary institutions are exempt from the general education requirements at CSI.

The following degrees granted from accredited post-secondary institutions will exempt the student from all general education requirements at CSI:

  • Any Bachelor's Degree
  • Associate of Arts Degree
  • Associate of Science Degree

No other degrees will exempt a student from the general education requirements, including the associate of applied science or bachelor's degrees from most foreign countries.

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Q: What are the General Education requirements at CSI?

A: See the catalog for the latest information on our general education requirements.

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Q: My Ped 190 (1.0 credit) was waived. Does this mean I only need 119 credits to graduate?

A: No, Bachelor's degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C). Associate's degree programs require a minimum of 60 credits with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C). All degree programs require at least a 2.0 grade point average in the core or major course requirements to qualify for the degree. Some majors require a grade point average above 2.0. Please consult the specific degree program. The successful completion of the College Preparatory Initiative (CPI) and all general education and core or major requirements is required for graduation.

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Q: I took college credits in high school. Why didn't they transfer?

A: Those may have been AP (Advanced Placement) credits. You should see Admissions in Bldg. 2A, room 104.

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Q: I have to leave CSI for personal reasons. What should I do to drop my classes?

A: Students who leave the College before the end of a term must withdraw online through their CUNYfirst accounts before the withdrawal deadline published in the Academic Calendar. Failure to do so will result in WU grades for all courses in progress, and the result will be a negative impact on the grade point average. There is no formal leave of absence from the College for undergraduates.

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Q: My college sent my transcripts three weeks ago. How will I know that you received it?

A: You should check your CUNYfirst account for the results of your transcript/evaluation.

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Q: I was academically dismissed and went to Kingsborough for 2 semesters. How do I return to CSI?

A: Students transferring from any accredited institution must have a G.P.A (grade point average) that elevates their prior CSI record to a 2.00 G.P.A or better.

Students dismissed from the College for failure to meet the standards set forth in the policy as stated in the catalog, may apply for re-admission after a separation from the College of at least one fall or spring semester. Students who apply for re-admission after this separation period must have their application reviewed by the Committee on Course and Standing. Students wishing to apply for re-admission should obtain information from the Counseling Center, South Administration Building (1A), Room 109.

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Q: How do I send my military transcripts for evaluation?

A: If you are an active duty member or veteran of the US Army (including the National Guard and Army Reserves), Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy, please request your Joint Services Transcript at and have it sent to CSI for evaluation. For additional assistance with completing your JST request, please email

Active duty members or veterans of the US Air Force should contact the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to request their transcripts: please download and complete the request form available at:

Additional information regarding CCAF transcripts is available online at: Community College of the Air Force Transcripts or by calling CCAF Student Services at 334-649-5066.

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Q: I have military experience, but no college credits. Do I qualify for Ped 190 waiver?

A: Yes, please provide a copy of your DD214 to Registrar's Office, 2A-110.

The veteran's advisement service is supervised by the Registrar. Assistance is available in interpreting regulations and policies of the Department of Veterans Affairs and educational and financial counseling is offered. The office of the veterans adviser is the North Administration Building (2A), Room 110.

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Q: My former college is not accredited. Can I receive transfer college credits?

A: You might be able to receive credits via a challenge exam or other departmental exception, either is up to the academic department’s discretion.

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Faculty/Staff FAQ

Q: When do I have to submit grades?

A: Grades need to be submitted within 48 hours of the final exam.

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Q: Is the final exam schedule available?

A: The final exam schedule is finalized in November for the fall semester and in April for the Spring semester. For the most recent final exam schedule see the Academic Calendars website.

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Q: Is the Academic Calendar available?

A: Academic Calendars are posted on the Academic Calendars website.

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Q: How can I revise the prerequisites on a course or degree requirements?

A: All course revisions must go through the curriculum office, appropriate committee approval and chancellor’s office. If approvals are not processed before registration has begun on the upcoming semester than the changes must be applied to the subsequent semester. Please visit the curriculum website.

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Q: How can I propose a new course, a change an existing course, or a change in degree program?

A: A curriculum item, new course, new program, change in program, change in course, originates with the faculty and is reviewed by the Department Curriculum Committee and, following this approval, submitted to the Dean for review and inclusion on the agenda for the appropriate committee, Undergraduate Curriculum, General Education, or Graduate Studies. After review and approval by the Undergraduate Curriculum, General Education, or Graduate Studies committee the item is sent by the Curriculum Coordinator to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate for placement on the agenda for the Faculty Senate meeting. Following review and approval by the Faculty Senate the item is placed by the Curriculum Coordinator on the appropriate Chancellor's or University Report. Ultimately, the item becomes a change or addition to the undergraduate or graduate catalog. See the Curriculum Process FlowChart.

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Q: What format should be used when submitting course/degree proposals?

A: Please see the proposal formats.

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Q: What is consultation and why is it included in the proposal format?

A: Consultation allows departments and programs to address issues of enrollment and management of sections which arise as a result of curricular changes in related curricula; it prevents duplication of efforts and the waste of precious resources (faculty time, classroom space, etc.); and it works to build a consensus among faculty across disciplines and departments about the larger educational mission of the College as a whole.

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Q: How do I get information on course scheduling?

A: The scheduling material is distributed to department chairs and their designated scheduler annually by the Registrar’s office. Questions regarding the schedule can be submitted to the department scheduler.

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Q: How do I submit a request for a course fee?

A: Requests for fees on courses must go through the Division Dean, approval of the Business office and submitted to the chancellor’s office by the Provost. Most Fee adjustments are done on a 2-3 year renewal basis and interim requests require special permission. If the approval for the fee occurs after registration for the upcoming semester the fee can only be applied to the subsequent semesters beyond that.

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Q: How do I submit room change requests?

A: Each department has a scheduler who can submit space requests to our attention at the time of scheduling. If the request is done just prior to the semester beginning we ask the calls to our office be made between the hours of 9am-11am in order to handle the volume of activity in a timely manner.

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Q: Who do I contact in the Registrar to refer a student or get answers to my questions?

A: We have a “who to call guide” for departments which is distributed to the departments regularly and is available on our website. At any time feel free to call our office directly for a referral to an area specialist or to obtain the guide.

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Q: What is a waitlist?

A: Waitlist is a feature for course registration at the College of Staten Island.  If a class is filled, you can add yourself to the waitlist on CUNYfirst.  If a seat opens up the system will enroll students automatically from the waitlist.

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Q: How do I know if a class has a waitlist?

A: First, make sure to do your class search with the “Show Open Classes Only” box unchecked.  The classes with a waitlist have a yellow triangle icon toward the right-hand side. They can be selected and added to your shopping cart.

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Q: How do I get onto a waitlist?

A: Students should follow the same steps as they do to enroll in an open course. However, before you add the class to your shopping cart, make sure you’ve checked the “Wait List if Class is Full” checkbox.  This box is very small, so watch carefully.

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Q: I am in one class and don’t want to lose my seat, but really would prefer another class. How can I use waitlist to help?

A: This is one of the advantages of the waitlist.  First, do a Swap in CUNYfirst.  Select the class you are currently scheduled to take from the “Swap this Class” menu.  Then enter the class you really want instead in the “With this Class” area.  Don’t forget to check the small “Wait List if Class is Full” checkbox.  
Next, CUNYfirst will wait for a seat to open up in your preferred class.  When your turn comes up, the system will enroll you and simultaneously drop you from the other class.  In the meantime (or if you never make it to the top of the waitlist), your seat in the original class is safe.

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Q: I am on the waitlist, now what?

A: Students are not notified when enrolled from the waitlist. The only way to know if you have been enrolled is to check your CUNYfirst account often. On a cycled schedule, CUNYfirst will look for classes which have an open seat.  It will run a process (called “auto enrollment”) which selects the next eligible student and enrolls them into the class.  Don’t worry, as students drop the class, the system will not let other students “jump in” ahead of you and other waitlisted students.

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Q: Does waitlist recognize class permissions?

A: No, at this time the waitlist feature will not recognize class permission.  The system will bypass you.   Please do not add yourself to a waitlisted course if you were granted class permission from the department.

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Q: Will I be notified when I am auto-enrolled from the waitlist?

A: There will be no formal notification. You can see if you’ve been enrolled by checking your CUNYfirst account.

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Q: What are the chances that I will be auto-enrolled from the waitlist?

A: There is always the chance that you will not be enrolled from the waitlist if students don’t drop your desired class (es).  It is always good to have a “Plan B” in mind.

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Q: How do I know what position I am on the waitlist and how many students are ahead of me?

A: The system will tell you your position when you join the waitlist.  After that, you aren’t able to view your position number on the waitlist.

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Q: I really need a particular class. Can I waitlist for more than one section of the same course?

A: If you are already in one section, what you can do is Swap and hope for a section which fits better into your schedule. If you are already in one section, what you can do is Swap and hope for a section which fits better into your schedule.  Keep in mind, you can only waitlist yourself for a total of 9 credits.

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Q: I am on a waitlist for a class, but I don’t need it anymore. How do I leave the waitlist? I don’t want to be enrolled by accident.

A: Students are able to drop courses from the waitlist just like drop from a regular class in CUNYfirst.

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Q: Am I charged tuition for being on a waitlist?

A: No, you are not charged while waiting.  Of course, you will be required to pay the tuition and fees for any classes which are auto-enrolled.  Please be sure to monitor your CUNYfirst account frequently so that you don’t miss any important payment due dates.

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Q: The system won’t let me waitlist for a class, why?

A: Remember that not all classes have a waitlist. For example, all cross-listed or courses with co-requisites are not eligible for the waitlist option. The following issues will prevent you from getting onto the waitlist:

  • You don’t have the necessary prerequisite or corequisite course(s) or meet the restriction (ex: certain major/plan codes, junior/senior standing, etc.
  • You have a negative service indicator (hold) at CSI which affects your ability to enroll.
  • You need to wait until your enrollment appointment date and time
  • You are limited to waitlisting for 9 credits at a time
  • You are already enrolled for the course and you are trying to waitlist without using the SWAP feature

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Q: I am on the waitlist, but I think the system is skipping me. Why am I not being auto-enrolled into the class?

A: You will not be auto-enrolled in the class if you have any of the following issues. You will only be auto-enrolled if these issues are resolved.

  • The class would have a time conflict with one of your other classes.
  • This class would put you over your allowable credits at CSI.
  • You are already enrolled in another section of the same course. You might want to use the Swap feature. This is a good strategy if you want to remain in one section, but are hoping to be enrolled into another one.
  • Some of the available seats are reserved for a specific and dedicated group of students.
  • You have previously completed the course or received transfer credit for the equivalent course at CSI.
  • You have a negative service indicator (hold) at CSI which affects your ability to enroll.
  • You don’t have the necessary prerequisite or corequisite course(s) or meet the restriction (ex: certain major/plan codes, junior/senior standing, etc.)

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The information presented in these pages represents the most commonly asked questions/problems related to the Office of the Registrar. It does not supersede the College of Staten Island Catalog . Students are responsible for all regulations and requirements as stipulated in the College of Staten Island Catalog and/or amendments to the catalog.