Entering Transfer Students

In recognition of the unique concerns and needs that transfer students often have, our office wants to ensure that your educational experience begin with a solid start.  CAAS offers special, individual sessions for our incoming transfer students to help ease their transition to CSI by providing a brief orientation program, in tandem with advisement and registration for the upcoming semester.  In order for our office to schedule your appointment, you must complete the items referred to in the next section:

Before Your Appointment Can Be Scheduled

  • Please accept your offer of admissions by logging into your CUNYfirst Student Center and satisfying your Commitment Deposit Checklist Item. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Recruitment and Admissions (Building 2A, Room 103, 718.982.2010).
  • If English is NOT your primary language, you may need to complete assessment testing requirements.  For assistance, additional information, or to arrange an appointment, please contact the Testing Office (Building 1A, Room 104, 718.982.2380).
  • You will receive an email* and a text message regarding advisement & registration. This email will include a personalized link to schedule your appointment with an academic advisor. Prior to your appointment, your credit evaluation will be processed. If you have courses in progress, you MUST submit final official transcripts with grades to ensure that all courses previously taken have been transferred to CSI. You will be enrolling for the upcoming semester during this appointment.  Submit all official academic transcripts to the Office of Recruitment and Admissions (Building 2A, Room 103): this includes any College Now and Advanced Placement work completed while in high school.  You are responsible for the timely submission of all transcripts: please note that failure to comply with this requirement will delay the evaluation of your credits and may impact your ability to enroll for the appropriate courses.  

    *Students transferring from CUNY colleges should check their prior CUNY campus email for this invitation. CSI emails will be assigned to these CUNY transfer students at the beginning of the semester. For non-CUNY transfers, emails are assigned by our IT department once you have been matriculated. Instructions to access your CSI email can be found here

Help Us Make the Most of Your Appointment Time

The CAAS Team wants to devote as much time as possible to addressing your academic needs and concerns.  Before coming in for your appointment, please take the time to do the following:

  • Submit mandatory vaccinations to the Health Center (Building 1C, Room 112, 718.982.3045): failure to do so will result in your not being able to register for classes.
  • Review Blackboard Transfer Organization - CSI’s Advisement and Registration Training {Transfer Students} (CAAS)
  • Gather any necessary course descriptions and syllabi to assist with the departmental evaluation of any elective credits (199,299,399,1000,BKT, ELEC)  you have been awarded.
  • Activate your CSI e-mail account.

What to Expect When You Come to CAAS

During your appointment, you will meet with an advisor who will assist with:

  • Reviewing academic curriculum and major requirements;
  • Declaring or changing your major;
  • Determining appropriate general education courses needed at CSI;
  • Developing your class schedule and registering for classes;
  • Answering any academic policy or procedure questions;
  • Providing you with a copy of your class schedule;
  • Referring you to other offices as needed.

Transfer Appeal Procedure

Students with questions or concerns about their transfer credits can send an appeal to transferstudents@csi.cuny.edu to request additional review of the evaluation.  If students do not receive a response to their college appeal within 15 business days, or if students wish to appeal a negative decision on their campus-based appeal, they may appeal that decision to the CUNY University Provost/ Office of Academic Affairs using the University Transfer Credit Appeals Form.


Questions or Concerns?  Contact us at newtransferstudent@csi.cuny.edu.