
Faculty Advisor Training

The Center for Advising and Academic Success (CAAS) is pleased to offer Faculty Advisor Training Program for the College.  This program trains faculty on the utilization of the college’s primary academic resources: College Catalog, CUNYfirst, Degree Works, Navigate CSI, general education curriculum, academic policies and procedures. 

Faculty advisors or academic departments requesting training are encouraged to contact Jennifer Durando.  

Faculty-Student Communication Assistance

CAAS uses Retain and Navigate CSI to communicate with students.  These tools can be used to deliver targeted e-mail communications and text messages.  CAAS can generate student specific reports that can assist departments with assessment, promotion of courses, promotion of majors or minors, enrollment and persistence, advisement, and outreach.  Faculty or departmental requests can be emailed to Aliza Martini.  

EDUCares: Student Academic Concern Resource

Do you have students at-risk of failing your course for attendance or low performance?  Do you have students who need some academic support?  Do you need help connecting with your students?  The EDUCares Team can help.  EDUCares can assist with addressing academic and attendance concerns.  Our team can connect you to your students, and connect students to academic resources.  As well, we can help you address classroom concerns and technology needs of your students.  For assistance, email Educares@csi.cuny.edu


Student Success: Retention and Academic Standing

CAAS is committed to student success and supporting our student body throughout their academic careers.  CAAS monitors student Academic Standing status (Good, Warning, Probation) and works with students to improve their academic performance to ensure persistence and retention.  Our Retention Specialist works closely with this at-risk student population.  To help students return to good academic standing or address their academic concerns, Angelina Raio assists with the grade appeal process, hosts Steps-to-Success Academic Standing Workshops, and communicates with professional advisors and faculty on behalf of this cohort.  Working with the Course and Standing committee, Counseling Center, the Office of Student Financial Aid, and the Office of Registrar, our Retention Specialist provides these students with guidance and support needed to remedy their GPA concerns.    


Faculty Advisor Assignment

CAAS oversees the Advisor Assignment Initiative for all students at CSI.  Each semester, CAAS reviews student records and identifies those who need changes to their advisor assignment.  These lists are provided to the department chairpersons for assignment distribution.  CAAS updates advisor information on student records in CUNYfirst.  This information also appears in Navigate CSI.  Students are able to view their assigned advisor in CUNYfirst-Student Center, under ADVISOR.  In Navigate CSI, the assigned advisor appears under SUCCESS TEAM.  Students are able to communicate with their assigned advisor using both systems.  The Advisor Assignment Initiative is part of student success and retention efforts at CSI.  If you would like more information about the Advisor Assignment Initiative, please email Jennifer Durando.


Faculty Resources