Mission & Goals

The mission of the Center for Advising & Academic Success (CAAS) is to equip students, faculty, and college staff with the essential tools, skills, and knowledge to navigate the educational experience, successfully transit into academic careers and to promote lifelong independent learning.


In recognition of CAAS’ commitment to support student success and development, it annually assesses five goals which instrumentally support student learning and promote good practices in undergraduate education.

Goal 1: Educational Planning Over A Student Life-Cycle

  • Assist students in understanding the purpose of general education and its relevance in curricula.
  • Assist students in developing educational plans that are consistent with their academic goals.
  • Link students to career guidance and resources to make informed academic career decisions.

Goal 2: Enhancement Of Student Persistence, Retention And Graduation

  • Assist students in successfully transitioning from associate to baccalaureate degree programs.
  • Provide progressive student-learning initiatives to support student transition to academic majors and programs.
  • Orient entering traditional, transfer and adult students on academic expectations and curricula. 

Goal 3: Education Of Broad Campus Constituencies

  • Provide essential advising services, training and direction to the college at-large. 
  • Provide quality services, advising tools and resources that are grounded in best practice protocols.
  • Provide campus training in the use of college resources to maximize students’ academic and personal success.
  • Serve as a resource to diverse campus constituents to optimize advisement educational support.
  • Participate in professional development.

Goal 4: Development Of College Policies And Procedures

  • Create advising policy and partnerships to support student learning.
  • Provide accurate information about educational opportunities, requirements, policies and procedures.

Goal 5: College Compliance

  • Monitor student academic progress towards degree.
  • Monitor student academic compliance and assist with the appeals process for reinstatement of NYS TAP.
  • Verify citizenship status for Nursing Program Candidates.
  • Utilize data for evaluation and assessment purposes.