On the Horizon


Disaster Recovery
As part of CUNY’s Disaster Recovery initiative, CSI has been a pilot school in a program designed to help with the selection and implementation of a software tool which will be used to capture all relevant information needed for a robust DR plan.  CSI OITS in conjunction with selected administrative areas has undertaken a series of meetings with CUNY Central and NYSTEC.  An extensive hardware and software inventory was performed by IT, and detailed Business Impact Analysis documents are being completed by other administrative offices concerned.  Once this pilot phase has been completed, the information gathered will be used for the evaluation of a proposed DR software.  We will continue to work with CUNY CIS during the selection and implementation of this DR application and with the advantage of having been a pilot school, will hopefully be one of the first schools to make use of the new initiative once launched.  

Managing Email Traffic
Our Kemp load balancers will be upgraded with new hardware, which will more efficiently handle routing of traffic to our Microsoft Exchange email servers.

Phase II of website updates will include finalizing changes necessary for Level “AA” compliance. In addition, training will be expanded to more administrative and academic department offices providing the capability to update their web pages.

The training team will be expanding “Tech Byte Tuesday” to include additional sessions for Faculty, Staff, and students as well as provide face-to-face options. Additional training sessions will focus on OneDrive functionality and form creation as well as expanding polling.  We will also be focusing on One Drive training.