Specialized Professional International Programs and Initiatives

world map graphic with national flags

Our customized international programs include one-day seminars, week-long visits, and monthly programs catering to our guests in a variety of instructional and professional areas. We provide customized educational seminars, academic training programs, intercultural communication, and practical training alone or coupled with English language training. Our New York City location allows us to take full advantage of the widest possible range of business and cultural life in order to create unique and individualized programs. Visit the college virtual tour  and our luxury dormitories Dolphin Cove Student housing.

Contact Information

Winnie Brophy

Director of Special Programs and Initiatives

Building 2A, Room 206
Email Winnie Brophy

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Each year, CSI produces a variety of programming to engage the campus with important global issues. From our World-on-Wednesday Lectures to International Education Week to a variety of special topics lectures, these programs ensure that all students have access to a global education.

coffee hour logo - coffee cup

International Coffee Hour (In-Person) We Are Back Spring 2025

Center for Global Engagement, Building 2A-Room 206, Center Lounge

Thursdays     4:00pm-5:00pm

February 6       March 13     April 10   and    May 8

All students and scholars, returned study abroad students, faculty, staff and CSI community are welcome.  A PG CLUE. Refreshments will be served. See flyer.

Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake Flyer

Celebrate the Lunar New Year-Year of the Snake

Thursday, January 30, 2025 @ 2:30pm, Campus Center Building 1C

A celebration and learn about the Lunar New Year Festival with the CSI community! A fun filled afternoon of games and prizes! Activities include Lion Dance, Chinese Calligraphy and more. Click here for more information.

A video report of the celebration is available on theCSIToday

World on Wednesday Lecture Series (WoW) Via Zoom Spring 2025

WOW, World on Wednesday Lecture Series, Campus Center 1C 12:20 pm – 1:10 pm

This program brings faculty, staff and outside experts to talk to the CSI community about ideas and experiences that lead to an increased awareness of global issues. WOW is especially intended to inspire students to want to learn more about the world during their time at CSI and to remind us of the global issues that remain present in the world today.

Speakers talk about their own personal experience and present their topics in an informal style including audio-visual tools. Past presenters have represented the disciplines of history, economics, geography, political science, health sciences, cinema studies, environmental science, business and literature. 

All lectures take place on Wednesdays from 12:20pm-1:10pm virtually.

                                                Visit  CSI Connect for Zoom information or see flyer for details.

February 26 Cinema and Politics in Brazil
March 5 Quo Vadis Europe? The Decline of the Rule of Law in the EU
March 12 Stitches That Hold the World Together
March 19 My Experience as a Chinese Language Teacher in the U.S. 
March 26

My Experiences Supporting Families Affected by Autism and Other Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities in Liberia and Sierra Leone


coffee cup and cookies

Global Kitchen Mini Lecture Series - Coffee Around the World   Thursday, April 2025, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Campus Center- Green Dolphin Lounge (Building 1C)

Explore the health effects, physiological impact, and rich history of coffee with guest speakers Professors Mirette Misak and Abdeslam El-Idrisi. From caffeine’s effect on the brain to the cultural journey of coffee across centuries, dive into the science behind your favorite brew. Come and learn from the CSI Health Center representative about the good and bad of coffee and health.

Enjoy free coffee, snacks, and giveaways while uncovering the story behind every cup!. They will continue to learn more about the variety of dishes and what the cultures are behind them. Funded by the Campus Activities Board Student Activities Fee. 

See live cooking demonstration for "Making Coconut Rice."

See live demonstration for "Making Dumplings."

Celebrate the Moon Festival

Moon Festival Art work

Thursday, September 19,2024 Center for Global Engagement, Building 2A - Room 206

Check our instagram for more information

Come celebrate together and learn about the Moon Autumn Festival! Join us and have a fun filled afternoon of games and prizes. Refreshments will be served. Call 718-982-2100 for questions.

A celebration and learn about the Moon Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival! It is a popular East Asian celebration of abundance and togetherness, dating back over 3,000 years to China's Zhou Dynasty.

It is also intended to inspire students’ interest to learn the Chinese language, to pursue study abroad, and to know more about the most enduring Chinese culture and civilization.

 To learn about past festival visit CSIToday and photo gallery

National International Education Week (IEW) - November 18-22, 2024

CSI Celebrates International Education Week November 14-18, 2022

IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to recognize the global exchange environment between the United States and other countries.

International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide at the College of Staten Island/CUNY. The week is dedicated to enhancing international awareness across the campus and recognizing the value of the exchange of students and scholars across the borders.

Video Message from U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona

The Center for Global Engagement invites you to save November 18-22, 2024 in your calendar to participate in a range of activities and events sponsored by student groups and departments across campus. See flyer for details.

November 5 and 7



November 12

12:30pm-4:30pm        Building 1L-Library Rotunda

2:30pm-4:30pm        Building 3N-Room 216

November 14


12:30PM-3:30PM    Center for Global Engagement, Building 2A-Room 206, Center Lounge 

November 19


2:30pm-3:45pm        Library Theater-Building 1L- Room 103

2:30pm-3:20pm        Center for Global Engagement, Building 2A-Room 206, Center Lounge 

November 20



ID: 811 3178 5767   PASSWORD: 015322

2:30pm-3:45pm        Library Theater-Building 1L- Room 103
12:00pm-2:00pm        Sports and Recreation Center, Building 1R-Main/Aux Gym
4:00pm-5:00pm        Center for Global Engagement, Building 2A-Room 206, Center Lounge
9:00Am-1:00pm      Campus Center, Building 1C-Green Dolphin Lounge

If your departments, a student organization or an individual student would like to host or sponsor an event or activity during International Education Week, please contact Winnie Brophy, Director of Special Programs and Initiatives at the Center for Global Engagement via email winnie.brophy@csi.cuny.edu. Let’s celebrate!

Celebrate Diwali - Festival of Lights Tuesday, November 12 @ 2:30pm, Building 2N-216

Diwali - Celebration of the light

The Diwali holiday also called The Festival of Light celebrated among the Sri Lanka community. The Hindu holiday of Diwali marks a truly special, larger-than-life celebration that glows with joy and light. This College of Staten Island community and the Sri Lanka heritage students is spreading the true happiness that this auspicious holiday so beautifully represents. The holiday is about shining bright. 

Dancers start the program with traditional dance and music and end with preparing special food for the festival.

Tournees Film  Festival

Gathering in the Center for Performing Arts (from left to right) President William Fritz and the Head of Film, TV, and New Media at the French Embassy, Mathieu Fournet, and CSI students.

With funding from the French-American Cultural Exchange in the Education and the Arts (FACE) organization and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, students and Staten Island residents were given the opportunity to view recent and important films from France. Along with films that explored the nation’s changing cultural landscape, the series presented Jules Dassin’s classic film noir, Riffifi (1955).

This festival was made possible at the College of Staten Island by the Department of Media Culture, the Center for Global Engagement, the Department of World Languages and Literatures, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Focus on Global Women and Girls Project, the LGBTQ Resource Center, and the Student Government.

Visit CSIToday for details  and photo gallery.

Scholar At Risk Program - Human Rights Forum


Scholars at Risk works to protect threatened scholars and promote academic freedom around the world. Some of our sponsors guests includes: Syrian Creative Resistance Movement; Global Human Rights Today Colloquium Series; Linguistics and Education in Pakistan; Islamic Studies in Afghanistan and Human Rights in China.

Russian and Ukraine: What’s Going on?

Russia and Ukraine: What’s Going On Poster

A pop-up lecture on the tensions created through Russia’s amassing of forces on the Ukrainian border. Dr. Anat Niv-Solomon, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Global Affairs and Dr. Susan Smith-Peter, Professor, History Department will discuss the historical background of these two nations, the evolving security situation, the impact on the region, and the roles of NATO and the nations attending the 2022 Munich Security Conference.

Visit of Diplomat-in-Residence | U.S. Department of State  CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AND STUDENT PROGRAMS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE     (An In-Person and virtual presentation)  November 16, 2022 @ 12:20pm, Building 2A-Room 202 Visit CSIToday for details

Department of State Logo

Ms. Kyla Brooke is a career Foreign Service Officer with over sixteen years of experience in a wide variety of areas within the U.S. Department of State.  She will discuss the challenges and rewards of a career in the Foreign Service.  She will also speak with students about State Department career opportunities including careers, fellowships, and internships.  Diplomats-in-Residence (DIRs) are experienced U.S. Foreign Service Officers who can provide additional guidance regarding career opportunities and student programs with the U.S. Department of State.  http://careers.state.gov

CSI can create a variety of long-term customized programs for international visitors, schools, and others. Below is a sample of the programs we have developed in the past.

Visiting UK Students Tour Freshkills Park- a program of Sustainability in New York

The Center hosted a group of students from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) over the summer. Nora Santiago is the lead instructor of this program. Topics that she’ll explore are “What Happens to Waste in NYC?” Sustainability Initiatives at the CSI,” and “Sustainable Transportation in NYC.” Visit CSIToday

Another highlight will be a personal tour of the United Nations Headquarters, which will include a seminar by Gerard Tuii Anapu, Office of the President of the General Assembly, where he will address the sustainable development goals of the UN.  See the Photo Gallery I, Photo Gallery II and "Welcome to New York" video.

Testimonials from David Easton-Trainee Quantity Surveyor at United Living Energy, United Living Group, UK, one of the participants. "Throughout the program, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in the world of Sustainability through engaging lectures and enlightening trips organised by the Center for Global Engagement and the Sustainability Department at CSI."

Nurse Mentorship Program, China 

Nurse Research Fellows Program, China- This nurse research fellows program is hosting a RN and Associate Professor from China to the College of Staten Island. The purpose of her visit is to explore all aspects of the U.S. Health Care system. While at CSI, she will be provided with clinical observational opportunities as well as opportunities to meet with various community agencies, visit health care providers, and participate in various educational, social and cultural activities in the New York City area.

Staten Island Small Business Development Center (SI SBDC) presents business students from the University of Calabria, Italy

SBDC Regional Director Dean Balsamini and his team spoke to a group of graduate students who are currently attending the University of Calabria in Italy. The visiting students are from diverse backgrounds, primarily Italian from the Southern Region of Italy along with students from Morocco, Peru, Pakistan, Ghana, and Asia. Many of the students were surprised to learn that the SBDC offers small businesses a no-cost service, as such a program does not seem to exist in their respective countries.

They were here at the college attended a three-week summer course "International Finance & Business in New York"  which Dr. Kay Pesile is the lead faculty.   This program is focused on the competitive dynamics and performance of the global banking industry and financial markets.  Visit CSIToday and photo gallery.

Graduate students from the University of Calabria, Italy learnt about New Trends and  Applications in Data Science & Business Analytics

group of students in a class room with 2 big TV screens

Prof. Paolo Cappellari from the Lucille and Jay Chazanoff School of Business is the led faculty and designer of this program.  Besides taking this seminar, they also visited the Federal Reserve Bank and MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company.  See photo gallery.

International Finance and Business in New York, Australia - This is a group of undergraduate students majoring in International Business and Finance from Australia. The purpose of this visit is to give students a better understanding of the current trends in the field of finance and big data, providing them with an in-depth comprehension of what a career in this field would involve, and the skills required to be successful. Besides attending seminars of international finance and business at the College, participants also visit companies in NYC with a focus on finance. 

U.S. Health Care Physician’s Observation Program, China-

Visiting Doctors from China Tour of Richmond University Medical Center

This program brings nine physicians from China. The purpose of their visit is to explore all aspects of the U.S. Health Care system. While at CSI, participants will be provided with clinical observational opportunities, meet with various community agencies, visit health care providers, and participate in various educational, social and cultural activities in the New York City area. Continue reading on CSIToday  

Business Study Tour in New York City-Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom-

The Business Study Tour group from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and Center for Global Engagement staff visit with Deputy Borough President Edward Burke

A group of undergraduate students from Liverpool John Moores University(LJMU), Business School visiting CSI for a two week Business Study Tour. The purpose of this tour was to offer the business students exposure to the business environment and how to conduct business in the U.S. and New York City. This tour was also to show them some beneficial attributes of studying abroad as part of their studies at LJMU. Read more from CSI News.

A video report on the visit is available on the Center for Global Engagement Face Book page. And on YouTube page

American Language, Culture and Higher Education Program, Cambodia- This program brought two Cambodian staff members from the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the only national university in Cambodia, to the College of Staten Island to study American language, culture and higher education.  The visitors studied at the English Language Institute, observed classes at CSI and explored New York City.

New Leaders for 21st Century Program: American Topics, Shanghai, China- The purpose of this visit was to explore all aspects of American society and to conduct research associated with their individual goals.  The Visiting Scholars attend college courses, meet with various community and government leaders, conduct research on leadership issues, and participate in various educational, social and cultural activities in the New York City area.

Shanghai University Week-Long Business Study Tour (SHUMBA) at the College of Staten Island

MBA Students from Shanghai University Visit CSI Tech Incubator

A group of eight MBA students from Shanghai University in China visited the newly established CSI Tech Incubator. The guests met with Georgina Castanon, CEO of Castanon of Walk and Explore, to learn about the “Business Smart Tool Kit.”  The visit to the U.S. is a combination of tourism and professional visits to companies in New York City. They visited the Managing Director at UBS Wealth Management in Manhattan, Chief Regional Economist from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; Vice President, China-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, among others. In addition, participants were able to attend seminars from faculty members at the college.

Please visit our Facebook page.

Wider Horizons Program (WHP), Ireland

The Wider Horizons Program is a cross community, cross border program that works toward the goals of peace, reconciliation, and mutual understanding. It bridges the divide between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and between Catholic and Protestant communities, breaking down misconceptions and stereotypes. WHP is supported by the International Fund For Ireland which was established as an independent, international organization by the British and Irish governments in 1986. WHP offers disadvantaged young people, aged 18-28, from the two traditions in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland the opportunity to improve their employment prospects through the provision of training and work experience at home and abroad.

This program is structured around a four-day internship and a one-day course/seminar at the College of Staten Island.  Participants will also join a variety of planned social and cultural activities during some evenings and weekends throughout the seven-week program.

CSI can create a variety of short-term customized programs for international visitors, schools, and others. Below is a sample of the programs we have developed in the past.

A group of delegation from Uzbekistan

A Visit from delegation from Uzbekistan

This delegation is participating in a Project for Uzbekistan entitled Think Tanks and Foreign Policy. While in the U.S. the visitors will examine current trends in China studies research. This visit is sponsored by the International Visitor Leadership Program, U.S. Department of State; Department of Political Science and Global Affairs; and the Center for Global Engagement.


group of people at the art exhibition

Visit from the Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts from China

A delegation from Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts from China visited the College of Staten Island to learn about the American Higher Education system and the visual arts program at CSI.


Visit of Dr. Anzor Saralidze President of Vladimir State University (VLSU),  Russia

Visit of Dr. Anzor Saralidze President of Vladimir State University (VLSU),  Russia

Dr. Anzor Saralidze, President of Vladimir State University  (VLSU)  and his wife visited the college. They toured of the Library along with staff from the Center for Global Engagement. They also met with President Dr. William J. Fritz, Provost Dr. J. Michael Parish and Executive Director for The Center for Global Engagement, Dr. Stephen Ferst.


Members from Vietnam’s Ministry of Education visited

Members from Vietnam’s Ministry of Education visited the College of Staten Island campus as a part of their ongoing effort to promote major reform in their nation’s Higher Education program. The ambassadors, the fourth such group to visit CSI, were from the National Institute of International Management in Vietnam and were welcomed by a delegation from the Center for Global engagement.

A delegation from Chonnam National University visited The College of Staten Island (CSI) to better understand American higher education including the structure and management of American public colleges as represented by CSI

Visit from Chonnam National University, Korea 

A delegation from Chonnam National University visited The College of Staten Island to better understand American higher education including the structure and management of American public colleges as represented by CSI.     


Ambassador María Teresa Merino Villarán de Hart, the Consul General of Peru in New York City

A Visit of Ambassador María Teresa Merino Villarán de Hart, the Consul General of Peru in New York City

Ambassador María Teresa Merino Villarán de Hart, the Consul General of Peru in New York City, paid a visit to the College of Staten Island’s Willowbrook campus. The Ambassador’s visit culminated with a keynote presentation titled “Advantages and Challenges of Diplomatic Life” at the Annual Phi Beta Delta Honor Society Induction Ceremony of the CSI Eta Lambda Chapter. The Ambassador was joined by Carolina Portugal, the Deputy Consul of Peru in New York.

A video report on the visit is available on the Center for Global Engagement’s YouTube page.

Visit CSI Today


group of students

A Visit of Aishin AW Company, Japan

90+ trainees from one of Japan’s leading manufacturers of automotive parts, Aisin AW, were welcomed for the third year in a row to tour the College of Staten Island campus as a way of introducing its them to U.S. culture and education. The visit is part of the Aisin year-long training program for employees recruited directly out of high school.

More than 30 CSI student volunteers had a fabulous time throughout the day and thoroughly enjoyed the guests’ presentations. Robert K Kee, Coordinator for Student Leadership Programs, in the Office of Student Life, conducted an interactive activity called Building Towers.  Participants were able to interact with our CSI students in sharing their thoughts and ideas. 

View a story from CSI’s website

People with banners

Delegation Visit from Niulanshan First Secondary School, Beijing, China

A group delegation of 15 teachers from Niulanshan First Secondary School, Beijing, China visited The College of Staten Island (CSI)  and the College of Staten Island High School for International Studies. 

The delegation leaded by Mr. Yiming Dong, dean of the school; the teachers were comprised of Chinese, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art, History and Math teachers. Mr. Joseph Canale, Esq., Principal and Mrs. Lauren Torres, Assistant Principal of the CSI High School met with the group and warmly welcomed them. The guests were able to observe several classrooms, talked with students and teachers.  They visited the Biology class, Global History, Earth Science, etc.

In the afternoon, the guests met with several staff from CSI and interacted with Dr. Margaret Bérci about how the college educates future teachers; and classroom management.  Dr. Bérci is the Chairperson, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Chairperson; Social Studies Discipline of the School of Education.

A video report on the visit is available on the Center for Global Engagement’s Face Book page.

International Visitors Leadership Program - Bureau of Educational and Culture Affairs, Office of International Visitors

 A delegation of 19 international higher education leaders congregated at CSI hosted by the Center for Global Engagement and the International Visitor Leadership Program. This visit wrapped up their three week tour of United States’ colleges and universities.  The purpose of this visit is to promote international exchanges of education and developmental knowledge. The topic of conversation between the international visitors was “Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education.” With visitors ranging from Armenia, Bolivia and Chile, to the Slovak Republic, Somalia and South Africa, there was no lack of interesting conversation between various cultures and customs which all share a common ideal of the importance of higher education.  Visit CSIToday

International Advisers From EducationUSA Visit Campus

The College of Staten Island (CSI) and Baruch College were recently honored by the visit of nine EducationUSA advisers from Peru, China, Mauritius, Sweden, India, Burkina Faso, Malaysia, Georgia, Congo and a country coordinator from Mexico. Guests had an opportunity to interact with the administration, faculty, staff and students, tour the campuses, learn about the international admission process at both undergraduate and graduate level and discover all the programs and services that CUNY colleges have to offer to international students. Visit CSIToday


CSI hosts a vibrant Visiting Scholar Program for research scholars from across globe. Whether working directly with a CSI faculty or with our Center for Global Engagement, scholars are a welcome and important part of our work.

Visiting  Scholars at the College of Staten Island

This program brings professional scholars throughout the year. Their professional fields include lawyers, faculty, schoolteachers, business personnel, medical doctors, etc. The purposes of their visit ranges from research on eco-friendly urban design, to research on the U.S. textile market, to learn about law practices or the educational system in the U.S., etc.

While at the College of Staten Island, our scholars meet with various community and government leaders, conduct research on leadership issues, and participate in various educational, social, and cultural activities in the New York City area. At the end of their terms they also present their research to the college community.

Scholars also meet once a month attending mandatory meeting and lectures presented by faculty members or community leaders. In the past, monthly presentations have included, “The U.S. Educational System,” “Access, Democracy, and the Liberal Arts-the City University of New York and U.S. Politics,” “Arts Education and Visual Art in New York,” and “Conducting Research During Pandemic.”

Presentation: Clinical Use and Tolerance of Botulinum Toxin, Dr. Sun Yeon Cho, Human Dermatologic Clinic, South Korea

Date: November 7, 2023, 2:30pm, Building 6S-Room 138

Presentation: Information Technology in Korea Education, Chandie Kim, Researcher, Korea Education and Research Information (KERIS)

Date: October 24, 2023, 12:30pm via Zoom

Presentation: Introduction of Korea Medicine, Dr. Dongwoo Nam, Professor, Kyung Hee University, College of Korean Medicine, South Korea

Date: September 14, 2023, 2:30pm, Building 6S-Room 138


 Peace Corps Logo

The PC Prep program is designed with students in mind who are looking at possible careers in the Peace Corps and other international and intercultural service work. The program guides students through a set of requirements and learning experiences designed to enhance global learning and prepare students for the future.

The Peace Corps Prep Program (PCP) assists you in building the skills and insights you need to have a positive impact as a Peace Corps Volunteer or in community transformation and humanitarian aid.  Click here for more information.

The Peace Corps has accepted the College of Staten Island into its select group of Prep Schools.  CSI to Become a Peace Corps Prep School

CSI can create a variety of virtual customized programs for international visitors, schools, and others. Below is a sample of the programs we have developed in the past.

Virtual International Work Integrated Learning Experiences, Deakin University, Australian

This project provides Deakin's students with an authentic experience of working as a consultant.  Students enhance their communication and analytical skills while liaising with local business or institutions in the U.S. in order to identify, understand and attempt to resolve real world business problems. 

The college will provide a project for the students and nominate an employee as the project liaison to support the student. Some of the virtual projects are: Internet Marketing Swat Team; Competitive Analysis: Advanced Certificate in Public History; Marketing Strategies and Best Business Practices for The Cruise Line Industry in Post Covid-19.

American English and Cross-Culture Communication Training Program

An intensive virtual program concentrated on American culture and English conversation with a group of English teachers from China.

This online training program is divided into 2 parts instructed by 2 certified ESL teachers and a certified Cross-Cultural Trainer using this online program called Culture Bump™ Toolkit for Culture & Communication.