Running for Office

Every spring and fall semester elections are held where in the students of CSI have the chance to vote for those fellow students they feel will best represent them in the affairs of the College.

The following is a listing of the organizations students can be elected to and what the organizations do:

The College of Staten Island Student Government is composed of twenty-six (26) representatives (senators) elected by the student body each spring semester. Student Government represents student interests to the administration and faculty of the College and serves as an advocate for student services. Student Government charters and funds all student clubs and organizations and administers student elections. Senators serve on planning and decision-making committees with faculty and members of the CSI administration. Four (4) senators are elected to serve on the University Student Senate (USS), two (2) delegates and two (2) alternate delegates, which represents students' interests at the University level.

The CSI Association is a non-profit corporation composed of five (5) students, three (3) faculty, and four (4) administrators that manage the Student Activity Fee at CSI. The Association allocates portions of the fee for commencement exercises and other campus projects. The Association participates in the development and review of activity fee budgets for Sports and Recreation, Health and Wellness, and the Children's Center, WSIA-FM, Student Publications, and Program Development Committee.

The Auxiliary Services Corporation provides essential services to CSI students, faculty, and staff. Major areas of responsibility include the CSI Bookstore, dining services, vending services, and parking registration and enforcement. The Board of Directors that governs the corporation is comprised of four (4) students, two (2) representatives from the faculty, and four (4) representatives from the administration.

The College Council is a governance body of faculty, administrators, and seven (7) students responsible for the general interests of the College Community. It also formulates policy relating to admission and retention of students, grading policies and standards, degree requirements, and protection of academic freedom.

This committee, composed of two (2) faculty members, six (6) student members, and a faculty chairperson, is responsible for hearing charges, accusations, or allegations presented against a student, which if proved, may subject that student to disciplinary action. The committee only convenes after all informal procedures have been exhausted.

The University Student Senate (USS) is an elected body of students with constituent representation from each of CUNY's institutions. The USS represents students' interests at the University level. The chairperson of the USS sits as a voting member on the CUNY Board of Trustees.