HRPP Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to HRPP Frequently Asked Questions

What is the UI-IRB?

UI-IRB stands for University Integrated Institutional Review Board. CUNY has four such committees. Each committee consists of faculty, staff, and at least one community member. The UI-IRBs serve CUNY by reviewing all research involving human subjects for compliance with federal human subjects research guidelines.


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What is the HRPP?

HRPP stands for Human Research Protection Program. Each CUNY Campus is represented by an HRPP. The HRPP Office for your campus is run by the HRPP Coordinator.


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Do I have to get approval?

If your project is a research project and the data being obtained is about living individuals collected through intervention or interactions with individuals or includes identifiable private information, then you need IRB approval. (e.g., surveys, oral interviews, videotaping, secondary data sources)


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How do I know if my project is considered research?

You may contact The HRPP Office with questions about whether or not your project is considered human subjects research.


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How long will it take?

That depends on the type of review needed and your timeliness in submitting materials and requested revisions. Exempt and expedited reviews can be done in 1 to 2 weeks. Full reviews require discussion of the proposal at a full committee meeting and can take one month or more.


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How do I know what kind of review to ask for?

There are exempt review categories and expedited review categories. All else is full review. Please Note: it is up to the HRPP Coordinator or IRB member to decide what level of review is needed.


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I think my proposal is Exempt, does that mean I don't have to go for review?

NO. You would still submit an application via IRB Manager. Exempt means that it is EXEMPT from continued oversight and yearly review. The approval is good for a period of three years. You need only notify your HRPP Office if you change any portion of the proposal (e.g., add a new data collection site, add a new instrument, substantially change the interview questions etc.)


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I am doing my study at more than one CUNY campus, which IRB do I obtain approval from?

Human subjects research conducted at more than one CUNY campus (e.g. collecting data at CSI, Lehman, and Hunter) must be submitted to the campus where the PI or Faculty Advisor (for student research) holds their primary full-time position.


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I will be receiving my doctoral degree from the CUNY Graduate Center, but I will be taking classes and conducting my study at CSI, which HRPP Office do I obtain approval from?

CUNY's policy is that the protocol must be submitted to the campus where the Faculty Advisor (for student research) holds their primary full-time position.


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How long am I required to retain my research materials for?

Investigators are responsible for retaining signed consent documents, IRB / HRPP Office correspondences, and research records for a period of at least three years after study completion. For studies involving children, the materials are to be kept for at least three years beyond the age the child becomes an adult. However, sponsoring agency requirements may dictate that records be kept longer. If your research was sponsored, please check with the sponsor to make sure that the minimum three (3) year retention requirement meets their needs.


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I plan to do research exercises as part of my class curriculum, do I need IRB approval?

YES: if the study involves humans as subjects, will be published or presented at a conference or event (including any CSI or other CUNY event), or is for a thesis. In this instance IRB approval is a must via IRB Manager.
NO: if it is an exercise being done within the course/class, does not include individuals outside of the course/class, is not intended for publication or presentation.


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I need additional information, where can I obtain documentation on the CUNY HRPP Policies?

Additional information can be obtained at HRPP Policies & Procedures.


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