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General Information for Graduate Student Teaching
Graduate Program in Special Education Childhood, Sequence 1
What do I need before I student teach?
Candidates in initial teacher education programs at the College of Staten Island need to meet the following requirements in order to student teach. Candidates must have:
- Applied and been accepted into a teacher education program
- Maintained an overall GPA of 3.0. Below a 3.0 may require additional material.
- Successfully completed all prerequisite education courses in their program
- Received no less than a C in any education course
- Successfully completed 100 hours of fieldwork in a variety of settings including special education and a Title One school. Evaluation sheets and time sheets must be on file with the Office of Fieldwork.
- Completed all prerequisites, including EDP 612, EDP 621, EDP 622 and EDP 680
- It is highly recommended that you have taken and passed the NYS Certification tests including the EAS and the CST.
How do I apply for student teaching?
Candidates wishing to apply for student teaching must begin the process early during the previous semester. Deadlines are firm and candidates must gather required information well in advance. To apply for student teaching candidates must:
- Have completed all of the above requirements and be able to document it. Courses must appear on transcripts as completed or in progress. Timesheets must be on file.
- Complete and submit an application form to the Office of Fieldwork. These are available early each semester on TK20. Look for emails and flyers in September and February. The application process takes place the semester BEFORE student teaching.
- Complete and submit an application essay – details on TK20. These will be shared with the building administrator and cooperating teacher at the assigned school.
- Gather 3 letters of recommendation from full-time education faculty. Adjunct faculty recommendations must be pre-approved with the Director of Fieldwork.
- Check with the Health Center (1C 112, ext. 3045) to ensure compliance with current medical requirements, including a TB test.
- Attend a student teacher orientation session at the College.
- Interview with the Director of Fieldwork, or designee.
NOTE: If any cause for concern with an applicant arises (academic, dispositional or other) additional material may be required.