Doxing Resources


What is Doxing/Doxxing?

Doxing is the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent. 

What can CSI do?

Allegations of doxing will be referred for disciplinary action in accordance with CUNY policies. When individuals or organizations outside of the CSI community engage in doxing behaviors, the College’s ability to address that conduct is limited, however, CSI is committed to supporting the CSI community as best possible within those limitations. 

What can you do if you are a target of doxing?

  • Submit a written request identifying any false or misleading statements about you and requesting they be taken down, describing how the statements are causing you harm.
  • Request platforms and web domain registrars remove any abusive, harassing or threatening content.
  • Gather and save any evidence you have access to related to the doxing including emails, voicemails, texts, and screenshots of any relevant photographs and/or comments online.
  • Contact Public Safety and/or the NYPD – NY does not have a law that makes doxing illegal, however, harassment and intimidation laws do exist in NY. Further, if the individual or organization responsible for the doxing accessed any sites illegally while searching for your private information, they may be subject to charges under NY’s laws prohibiting unauthorized use of a computer.
  • You may want to contact a private attorney to discuss the possibility of issuing a cease and desist letter and whether you have sufficient grounds to pursue a legal complaint. Although CSI’s Office of Legal Affairs and Labor Relations does not provide personal legal advice or representation to College faculty members, staff, or students, if you need an attorney for a personal matter, one resource is the NYC Legal Referral Service
  • You may consider contacting the Registrar’s Office to request that your  information which has been designated “directory information” under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) not be disclosed.
