CSI is only offering the CLEP exam to its students at this time.
In addition to the Assessment Tests, departmental placement tests may be required for students entering specific majors and/or programs. For example: The Biology Placement Examination is required of all students entering Nursing, Medical Laboratory Technology, Physician Assistant, and Physical Therapy programs. The test covers material taught in most high school biology courses.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The CSI College Testing Office, a CLEP testing center, administers CLEP exams each month. As of July 1st, CLEP exam fees will be $93 plus the test center or remote proctoring administration fee. To register for a CLEP exam, please visit https://clep.collegeboard.org/. For those interested in taking a CLEP exam at CSI, please contact the College Testing office at 718.982.2382. Please note that while in-person and remote CLEP testing are being offered, CSI only offers in-person testing.
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams are designed to test knowledge in specific college subjects achieved outside of the classroom. Students who earn a passing score may be awarded College credit. CLEP offers 34 exams that cover introductory level college course material. Click here for CLEP Exam/CSI Course Equivalencies.
If you are a matriculated student at CSI, credit will be awarded for scores of 50 or better (equivalent of C or better). To have your CLEP exams evaluated for CPL credit, you must request an official copy of your CLEP Scores be sent to the College of Staten Island (CUNY/CSI - School Code 2778). Prior to registering for an exam, please contact your Academic Advisor or Department Chair to discuss. If you have already completed the CSI course equivalent of an exam, credit will not be awarded.
Students interested in taking the NLN Exam should register on the NLN website at http://www.nln.org. Student should also consult the CSI Nursing Department website Nursing AAS Admissions