What services does the Counseling Center provide?

The Counseling Center provides individual, group, and couples counseling for students enrolled in classes at the College of Staten Island. We offer counseling for personal and academic issues. The Counseling Center also has medication services for students receiving counseling in our Center.

Why would someone seek services at the Counseling Center?

Students seek services from the Counseling Center to address personal and academic struggles. We assist people with several issues such as stress, relationship difficulties, depression, anxiety, family issues, trauma, gender identity, sexual orientation, to name a few.

Who works at the Counseling Center?

We have a diverse staff of well-qualified, credentialed mental health professionals. Please visit Counseling Center Staff to see personal profiles of our counselors. Our support staff pride themselves on being very warm and welcoming.

Where is the Counseling Center?

The Counseling Center is located in Building 1A, Room 109. We are currently offering our services remotely.

When is the Counseling Center open?

Counseling Center offers same day and next day appointments. For availability email counseling@csi.cuny.edu. Evening hours are also available.

How do I contact the Counseling Center?

The Counseling Center is offering video or telephone counseling. If you know of a student who is in need of, or is requesting counseling, please ask them to email counseling@csi.cuny.edu. We also have 24/7 telephone counseling support by dialing our main number which is 718.982.2391.

What if I need immediate attention?

Telephone Counseling is available 24/7 by dialing our main number 718.982.2391. This service offers immediate support and coping strategies but is not intended for ongoing counseling. However, if it is a true emergency such as mental health or medical emergency, 911 should be called immediately.

What if I am late or need to cancel?

Please be on time for appointments. Notify the Counseling Center as soon as possible if you must cancel your appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late, it is very likely that you will have to reschedule your appointment.

Is my counseling session private?

All counseling is confidential with rare exceptions. There are three situations in which your information might be disclosed without your consent: (1) if you express thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else; (2) in cases of suspected abuse of a child, senior citizen, or developmentally disabled adult; or (3) under court order. Otherwise, counseling records are never shared with anyone who outside of at the Counseling Center without your written permission.