Annual Report 2019-2020

Information Technology Services is pleased to present the Annual Report for 2019 - 2020. It was another noteworthy year, with many significant goals achieved. We continue to make improvements to new and existing technology resources as we strive to meet the growing demands of the College. Our achievements continue to build a solid foundation for future progress. 

Our Mission.
The mission of the Office, consistent with that of the College, is to advance the use of technology in all aspects of the College's operations, to strengthen support services, teaching, and research. 


Web and Programming

  • Website redesign phase II completed, which incorporated CSI Today and the College’s calendar into the home page. Modifications were made to the home page in order to accommodate for these additions as well as ADA compliance. Further enhancements to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) included the addition of targeted key words based on significant events and newsworthy items occurring throughout CSI. 

Classroom/Hardware/Collaborative Tech

  • Virtual Computer Labs are now available, providing remote access to software in phsysical labs, without having to come to campus. Users can connect through a Windows or Mac computer, iPad, or Chromebook. These labs are a great resource for users to get the software they need, which may not be available or compatible on their personal device, to assist in remote teaching and learning. Over the summer, IT worked with faculty from various departments to conduct tests for a successful proof of concept. The Virtual Computer Labs were a collaborative effort among all of IT staff requiring configuration, training, and implementation.
  • Domain Controller Upgrades –completed security upgrades of three domain controllers, which manage active directory and exchange. The redundant environment allowed for this upgrade without any outages or downtime.


  • The number of participants attending remote workshops have increased significantly. Web conferencing workshops such as Bb Collaborate and Zoom are the most popular, with many of the workshops having 100+ participants. . For more information, visit the “by the numbers” section. For information about current workshop offerings, visit our training page.


  • Continue with lifecycle replacement of switches throughout campus in order to provide for improved connectivity and a more robust infrastructure.
  • Finished the reconfiguration of network making 1C a core for improved connectivity and redundancy. 
  • Configured firewall to allow for virtual labs and VPN access.

Special Projects

  • VMWARE: continued life cycle replacement of end of life equipment (servers and storage arrays) in order to support key systems including email, student printing, campus wide computer login authentication, self-service password reset, shared folders, network and server monitoring utilities, and application servers. Replacing out of warranty/end-of-life equipment (servers and storage arrays) in our VMWare environment
  • Virtual Reality (VR): The Virtual Reality Lab is located in 1C213. This project involved a total redesign of a former computer lab. High-end hardware was purchased, as well as software that helped improve soft skills. Faculty across a variety of disciplines were given demos on the use of this technology and how it could be incorporated with teaching/learning. Some faculty in Business, Computer Science, and Political Science & Global Affairs merged VR into their course curriculum. As part of this initiative, IT provided documentation, training, and support.

Distance Learning

  • Instructional Design and Online support continues to expand. The Online Initiative (OLI) Team supported eight faculty who received stipends to bring their courses online prior to COVID. As part of this initiative, OLI designed an online template for faculty to incorporate into their courses as well as a Distance Learning website to support faculty and students.
  • Continue to support distance learning committee by providing technology recommendations and innovations to faculty mentors and advisors.
  • Went live with Distance Learning website to support faculty and students
  • Completed the online template that was used by faculty in support of distance learning. Revisions continue based on feedback. This template ensures courses are structured in alignment with standards of quality for online and hybrid teaching. The master course template is designed according to standards of quality for online courses

Presentations and Publications 2019- 2020

  • Creating an Immersive Learning Experience Using Virtual Reality. CUNY IT Conference, December 2019
  • Creating an Immersive Learning Experience Using Virtual Reality. EdgeCon2020, January 2020
  • Telepresence Robot: BE in TWO Places at Once! EdgeCon2020, January 2020
  • Services and Distance Learning during COVID. Campus Technology CIO Panel. August 2020 
  • Maintaining the Balance Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning. College of Staten Island, April 28, 2020
  • Institutional Transformation: Leveraging Technology to meet Online Learning Objectives. AASCU Winter Conference. February 2020. 
  • A Framework for Distance Learning at the College of Staten Island. AASCU Summer Conference. July 2019.  
  • Best Practices for Converting Your Face-to-Face Course to an Online/Hybrid Course. College of Staten Island, April 30, 2019 
  • Easing the Burden of Distance Learning. Hispanic Educational Technology Services. Virtual HETS Best Practices Showcase, Online Conference, February 14, 2019 
  • Digital Learning Panel. AASCU Winter Conference, February 2019
  • Virtual reality – njedge; cuny conference
  • On Tuesday, April 28th, members of CSI’s Online Learning Initiative (OLI) Team and Faculty presented on Maintaining the Balance Between Synchronous & Asynchronous Learning.  This presentation provided instructional design, training, and faculty insights on using both modalities in an online environment. Faculty also shared their experiences – what worked and what did not work during their online transition. 
  • The Second Annual Faculty Technology Day, focusing on implementing technology in the classroom and in research took place February 14, 2020.  Faculty were invited to submit proposals for oral or poster presentations. The day included informative and dynamic conversations, interdisciplinary discussions, and interactive demonstrations. 
information technology written in gold  OITS Annual report

High-level overview of OIT priorities

woman looking at monitor of ww web OITS annual report

Building a solid foundation for future progress


Meeting the growing demands of the College