Information Technology Services must maintain a spam filtering messaging gateway to comply with security protocols. This gateway enforces anti-spam, anti-virus, and content policies for CSI’s email accounts. All incoming and outgoing email is inspected by this gateway as soon as it arrives or leaves CSI. The current CSI gateway, Barracuda, is being transitioned to Proofpoint, which is already being used by CUNY. This will allow CSI to remain in compliance with CUNY policy and continue to maintain a strong security posture.
Proofpoint serves as an additional layer of protection to your account. It safeguards you and your email in two ways. First, the email filtering system will automatically determine if an email is spam (e.g., marketing, cold sales, etc.) or bulk (e.g., newsletters, other mass mailings, etc.) and will quarantine the message(s).
For problems, please contact
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Proofpoint ?
- Proofpoint is a spam filtering messaging gateway to comply with security protocols. This gateway enforces anti-spam, anti-virus, and content policies for CSI’s email accounts. All incoming and outgoing email is inspected by this gateway as soon as it arrives or leaves CSI.
- Messages that contain inappropriate content are sent to your personal Spam Quarantine. You will receive an email notification named Digest in your Inbox to let you know you have messages in Quarantine
How can I manage messages that have been quarantined?
Quarantined Messages
- Messages that contain inappropriate content are sent to your personal Spam Quarantine. You will receive an email notification named "Digest" in your Inbox to let you know you have messages in Quarantine.
- You have the ability to release the selected message(s) from Quarantine and allow future messages from the sender(s) to be delivered.
- You can also delete the selected message(s) from Quarantine.

- Delete this message
- Release this message to your inbox
- Release this message and add the Sender to your safe sender list
- Mark this message as not spam.
End User Quarantine Digest
- If a message is identified as suspicious, it will be quarantined and delivered to your quarantine "Digest"
- If you receive an email that looks suspicious you can also report the message as junk, phishing, etc. The “Report Message” icon appears on the Outlook toolbar after you open the message.
- How can I opt out from receiving the Digest?
You cannot opt out of the digest on your own. To be removed, please contact the helpdesk for this request, and a Proofpoint Administrator will handle the request.
- How do I receive Digest after I Opted Out?
To opt back in and start receiving the digest again, you will need to contact the service desk and submit a ticket, just as when opting out.
Managing SPAM and Suspicious Messages
- How are suspicious messages handled?
Any attachments that contain a malicious file will not be included in the email. The subject line of your email will reflect that the attachment has been stripped. The subject line of the communication will state '[Executable Attachment Removed]'.
- If the attachment is stripped by Proofpoint you can’t retrieve it.
- All other attachments will be delivered as long as they don’t contain any malicious content.
Important Reminders
- Never communicate PII (Personal Identifiable Information) information
- Upload attachments to Teams, OneDrive, Dropbox
- DO NOT FORWARD any messages that look suspicious to a third party, IT Staff or the Helpdesk. This is a new policy that CUNY is requesting all Colleges to follow. Alternatively, you can do the following:
- Report the message as suspicious (see above)
- Send the email to Someone from IT will get back to you with the results.