Student Essay Contest

Student Essay Contest

The Writing Program at CSI is pleased to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the annual Inkwell essay contest. We are looking for the best essays written for a first-year writing class (English 111, 111P, or 151).

We encourage faculty to help students choose which paper to submit and students to utilize the Writing Center (2S-216) to help with revisions and proofreading. The winning essays will be published in our campus anthology Inkwell.

Students should submit their proofread essay by emailing it as a pdf attachment to

Essays from Fall and Spring semesters are read over the summer and winners are chosen by our Inkwell team. Winners are notified early in the Fall semester to begin revisions for publication.

The current Inkwell team:

Lewis Dimmick, Olalekan Adepoju, Kiara Walker, Melanie McNulty

Additionally, James Barone, a writing center consultant and adjunct faculty member is available to help students with revisions.