Reporting Form and Guidelines

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Online Reporting Form

Faculty and staff are frequently the first able to identify a student in distress. Faculty and staff are often perceived by students as the people to go to for advice and support. Your interest and concern may be critical in helping a student regain the emotional health necessary for academic success. In addition, faculty and staff are often the first to notice a student whose behavior may create a disruption to others or pose a threat to campus safety. Your response is essential for the welfare of the campus environment.

The following is a general guideline for the various offices that handle student concerns:

When Should You Make a Report to the Campus Assessment, Referral, and Evaluation System (CARES Team)?

All student concerns.  For example, extended absences by a typically engaged student, unusual behavior, or verbal or written threats.

When Should You Make a Report to The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs? (1A-301, X2335)

If a student’s behavior regularly disrupts the educational, the extra-curricular or co-curricular process.

** Some situations are more urgent and require immediate attention. Below are guidelines such circumstances.

When Should You Contact Public Safety? (X2111)

  • If a student is posing a real or perceived threat of physical violence to himself or others.
  • If a student is disoriented, acting strangely, or disrupting the environment.
  • If the student is under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
  • If a student reports a sexual assault.
  • If a student is involved in any other criminal behavior that may pose a threat to the campus community.

When Should You Make an Immediate Referral to the Counseling Center? (1A-109, X2391)

  • If a student expresses suicidal thinking.
  • If a student is in significant emotional distress.