
The CLUE Program is a non-credit program designed to acclimate students to the college environment after completing orientation. CLUEs are college sponsored activities held outside of the classroom. CLUEs are categorized in two types, Personal Growth (PG) and Co-Curricular (CC). Whereas the purpose of orientation is to enhance retention efforts, the CLUE Program is designed to promote out-of-classroom intellectual, cultural, and social life activities on campus. As part of the new student orientation degree requirement, students who opt to fulfill part two of the requirement through the CLUE Program must complete a total of 4 CLUE units (2 PG CLUEs and 2 CC CLUEs) by the completion of 12 equated credits in order to avoid a registration hold on their CUNY First account.

CLUE Types

Personal Growth (PG) – These CLUE activities contribute to students’ self-development outside the regular curriculum. Included among PG CLUEs are career and study skills workshops, health and wellness programs, and recreational and social events.

Co-Curricular (CC) – These CLUE activities are intended to augment and/or complement some aspect of academic life at the college and focuses on scholarly, cultural, and civic development from academic areas, including humanities, social sciences, sciences, math, and technology, as well as, film screenings, and theatrical events.

Need to find a CLUE? – Check Out the CLUE News   on CSI Connect or Download the CORQ App from your Google Play or Apple Store and search for CLUE News.

If you need assistance locating CLUE events or verifying if an event is a CLUE event, students can contact the Office of Student Life at 718.982.3088, or visit building 1C, room 201.

Getting a CLUE

Fulfilling the CLUE requirement is simple! After students have located CLUE events on the CLUE News that interest them, students must attend the CLUE event in its entirety in order to receive credit for completing the event. CLUE event sponsors reserve the right to refuse CLUE participation for students who were disruptive or not present for the entire duration of the event.

After completing the event, students must sign the YELLOW CLUE attendance sheet. This is the verification that is used to ensure you have completed the CLUE event. On the CLUE attendance sheet, you will be asked to include your full name, D.O.B., email address, and EMPLID—the rest is handled by the Office of Student Life. At the completion of the event, the CLUE facilitator will submit the CLUE attendance sheet to the Office of Student Life, and students’ records are updated accordingly. If you would like to verify if you received credit for a CLUE event or check the number of CLUEs you have completed, students can contact the Office of Student Life at 718.982.3088, or visit building 1C, room 201, or email

The CLUE Challenge Initiative

Beyond the basic CLUE requirement, many students also complete the CLUE Challenge, in which they agree to complete at least ten of each CLUE type prior to graduation. This means, students will have completed ten PG CLUEs and ten CC CLUEs in order to meet the CLUE Challenge. Students who complete the CLUE Challenge receive a signed certificate from the President of CSI and receive a letter of commendation from the Vice President for Student Affairs and Alumni Engagement, exemplifying their on-campus involvement in the CLUE Program. The CLUE Challenge is a great way to supplement future internship or job applications, or applications to graduate school, by showing active involvement on campus. Students, who feel they have met the CLUE Challenge requirement, or are interested in finding out how many CLUEs they have completed thus far for the CLUE Challenge, should contact the Office of Student Life at 718.982.3088, or visit building 1C, room 201.

Making an Event a CLUE Event

Thank you for your interest in making your event a CLUE event! Please see the guidelines below for how to make your event a CLUE event:

  • All CLUE facilitators must complete a CLUE Event Proposal form. This proposal form must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Life in building 1C, room 201 a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of the scheduled event
  • CLUE event proposal forms may be submitted through interdepartmental mail to building 1C, room 201, dropped-off to the Office of Student Life, faxed to 718.982.3087, or by email (preferred method) to
  • CLUE event proposals should be typed and completed to the best of your knowledge. If you need assistance with filling out the form, please contact the Office of Student Life at 718.982.3088
  • CLUE facilitators should decide if the CLUE event should be categorized as a Personal Growth (PG) CLUE or as a Co-Curricular (CC) CLUE. However, CLUE facilitators are encouraged to review the two CLUE types in the second section of this page to determine which CLUE type would be the most appropriate. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to change the CLUE type if it is determine it does not fit the appropriate category, as well as, the right to edit any event descriptions, if needed
  • All CLUE events must be sponsored by a college department or office. External organizations looking to host a CLUE event must have sponsorship from a department or office on campus. CLUE event proposal forms from outside identities without college affiliations will be refused
  • Once a CLUE event proposal has been received, the CLUE facilitator will receive a notification from the Office of Student Life acknowledging the request and updating the CLUE facilitator on the status of your event proposal
  • All CLUE event proposals must be approved by the Office of Student Life. Once a CLUE event proposal has been approved, you will receive notification from the Office of Student Life. A CLUE attendance sheet will be sent to the individual responsible for the CLUE attendance sheet a week prior to the scheduled event
  • All approved CLUE events will be added to the CLUE News for students to review
  • When advertising your CLUE event, please use  the statement “Personal Growth CLUE event” or “PG CLUE ” or “Co-Curricular CLUE event” or “CC CLUE”, the word “certified” should not be used when marketing CLUE events
  • When hosting a CLUE event, it is recommended that the CLUE attendance sheet be given out towards the end of the event. It is to the CLUE facilitator’s discretion to refuse CLUE participation to students who were not present for the entire duration of the event
  • At the conclusion of the CLUE event, CLUE facilitators should send the completed CLUE attendance sheet to the Office of Student Life in building 1C, room 201 as soon as possible, so that students’ records may be updated in a timely fashion
  • All CLUE facilitators must complete a CLUE Event Proposal form. This proposal form must be completed a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of the scheduled event. Prior to submission to the Office of Student Life, all student clubs and organizations must have their CLUE Proposal form approved by the Office of Student Life
  • Once the CLUE Proposal form is approved by the Office of Student Life, it will be sent to the Office of Student Life in 1C-201
  • CLUE event proposals should be typed and completed to the best of your knowledge. If you need assistance with filling out the form, please contact the Office of Student Life at 718.982.3088
  • CLUE facilitators should decide if the CLUE event should be categorized as a Personal Growth (PG) CLUE or as a Co-Curricular (CC) CLUE. However, CLUE facilitators are encouraged to review the two CLUE types in the second section of this page to determine which CLUE type would be the most appropriate. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to change the CLUE type if it is determine it does not fit the appropriate category, as well as, the right to edit any event descriptions, if needed
  • All CLUE events must be sponsored by a CSI student club or organization.
  • Once a CLUE event proposal has been received, the CLUE facilitator will receive a notification from the Office of Student Life acknowledging the request and updating the CLUE facilitator on the status of your event proposal
  • All CLUE event proposals must be approved by the Office of Student Life. Once a CLUE event proposal has been approved, you will receive notification from the Office of Student Life. A CLUE attendance sheet will be sent to the individual responsible for the CLUE attendance sheet a week prior to the scheduled event
  • All approved CLUE events will be added to the CLUE News for students to review. All CLUE event submissions from student clubs and organizations that are advertised through the CLUE News will have the college disclaimer attached to the listing as follows: An event of [name of student organization], a student organization of the College of Staten Island. The College of Staten Island and the City University of New York are not responsible for the content or viewpoints expressed.
  • When advertising your CLUE event, please use  the statement “Personal Growth CLUE event” or “PG CLUE ” or “Co-Curricular CLUE event” or “CC CLUE”, the word “certified” should not be used when marketing CLUE events
  • When hosting a CLUE event, it is recommended that the CLUE attendance sheet be given out towards the end of the event. It is to the CLUE facilitator’s discretion to refuse CLUE participation to students who were not present for the entire duration of the event
  • At the conclusion of the CLUE event, CLUE facilitators should send the completed CLUE attendance sheet to the Office of Student Life in building 1C, room 201 as soon as possible, so that students’ records may be updated in a timely fashion