Vivian Shulman is an educational psychologist specializing in educational measurement. Her research focuses on the characterization and evaluation of the role of leaders in implementing changes in schools, and the evaluation of professional development programs. She teaches psychology in the graduate and undergraduate programs and the capstone graduate educational research seminar.
Ph.D. Psychology, Graduate Center, CUNY
M.Phil. Psychology, Graduate Center, CUNY
BA Psychology, City College, CUNY
Selected publications
Shulman, V., Sullivan, S., & Glanz, J. (2008). The New York City school reform: Consequences for supervision of instruction. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 11 (4), 407-425.
Shulman, V., & Sullivan, S. (2006). The journey of a charismatic leader: From principal to principal change agent. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 2 (1), 52-70.
Shulman V., & Armitage, D. (2005). Project discovery: An urban middle school reform effort. Education and Urban Society, 37 (4). 371-397.