Valerie Forrestal is the Web Services Librarian at the College of Staten Island, where she creates and maintains websites and web-based content, and is responsible for providing technology training for faculty and staff. She specializes in UX-based, responsive web design and development, educational technology, and innovation and digital strategies in libraries/higher education.
Professor Forrestal’s background is in digital media creation, production, and archiving. Her recent scholarship focuses on service-oriented computing, specifically the areas of agile software development, game theory, and social capital.
MS, Stevens Institute of Technology
MLIS, Rutgers University
MA, Emerson College
BA, University of Maine
Arnett, Barbara, and Valerie Forrestal (Jun 2012). "Bridging the Gap from Wikipedia to Scholarly Sources: a Simple Discovery Tool" College & Undergraduate Libraries, Taylor & Francis. 19 (2-4), 176-188. (Full-text available at:
Forrestal, Valerie. (Jan 2011). "Making Twitter Work: A Guide for the Uninitiated, the Skeptical, and the Pragmatic" The Reference Librarian, Taylor & Francis. 52 (1-2), 146-151. (Full-text available at: