Dr. Jin’s research interests include structure design, synthesis, characterization and optimization of organic optoelectronic materials for improved performance in devices such organic solar cells, light emitting diodes and field effect transistors.
Dr. Jin’s research aims at controlling the hierarchical structure of π-stacked organic semi-conducting materials to improve their performance in optoelectronic devices. Molecular and supramolecular engineering approaches are applied to tune the magnitude and order of intermolecular π-orbital overlap in self-assembled organic π-conjugated materials. Design goals include optimizing the phase behavior, improving the charge carrier mobility and manipulating the electronic spectrum. One emphasis is on generating liquid crystalline π-conjugated materials with a controllable hierarchical structure. These soft materials are promising candidates in the field of photonics and electronics.
Ph.D. in Polymer Science, University of Akron (2001)
B.S. in Chemistry, Nanjing University, China (1990)
Wang, B.; Sun, R.; Gunbas, D. D.; Zhang, H.; Grozema, F. C.; Xiao, K. and Jin, S. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 11837-11840.
Gunbas, D. D.; Xue, C.; Patwardhan, S.; Fravventura, M. C.; Zhang, H.; Jager, W. F.; Sudholter, E. J. R.; Siebbeles, L. D. A.; Savenije, T. J.; Jin, S.; Grozema, F. C., High charge carrier mobility and efficient charge separation in highly soluble perylenetetracarboxyl-diimides. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50(38), 4955-4958.
Jin, N.; Zhang, H.; Jin, S.; Dadmun, M. D.; Zhao, B., Shifting Sol-Gel Phase Diagram of a Doubly Thermosensitive Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymer Poly(methoxytri(ethylene glycol) acrylate-co-acrylic acid)-b-poly(ethoxydi(ethylene glycol) acrylate-co-acrylic acid) in Aqueous Solution. Macromolecules 2012, 45, (11), 4790-4800.
Jin, Naixiong; Zhang, Hao; Jin, Shi; Dadmun, Mark D.; Zhao, Bin. Tuning of Thermally Induced Sol-to-Gel Transitions of Moderately Concentrated Aqueous Solutions of Doubly Thermosensitive Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymers Poly(methoxytri(ethylene glycol) acrylate)-b-poly(ethoxydi(ethylene glycol) acrylate-co-acrylic acid). J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116(10), 3125-3137.
Xue, Chenming; Jin, Shi. Exceptionally Strong Electronic Coupling in Crystalline Perylene Diimides via Tuning. Chem. Mater. 2011, 23(11), 2689-2692.
Jin, Naixiong; Woodcock, Jeremiah W.; Xue, Chenming; O'Lenick, Thomas G.; Jiang, Xueguang; Jin, Shi; Dadmun, Mark D.; Zhao, Bin. Tuning of Thermo-Triggered Gel-to-Sol Transition of Aqueous Solution of Multi-Responsive Diblock Copolymer Poly(methoxytri(ethylene glycol) acrylate-co-acrylic acid)-b-poly(ethoxydi(ethylene glycol) acrylate). Macromolecules 2011, 44(9), 3556-3566.
Huang, Y.-F.; Chian, Y.-W.; Ruan, J.; Jin, S.; Jeong, K.-U.; Tang, H.-Y.; Su, A.-C., Organization of layer-type supramolecular nanostructures of a combined liquid-crystalline homopolymer toward lattice packing. Polymer 2011, 52, (18), 4114-4122.
Wang, Jing; Li, Christopher Y.; Jin, Shi; Weng, Xin; Van Horn, Ryan M.; Graham, Matthew J.; Zhang, Wen-Bin; Jeong, Kwang-Un; Harris, Frank W.; Lotz, Bernard; Cheng, Stephen Z. D. Helical Crystal Assemblies in Nonracemic Chiral Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Where Chemistry and Physics Meet. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49(23), 1936-11947.
Jiang, X.; Jin, S.; Zhong, Q.; Dadmun, M. D.; Zhao, B., Stimuli-Induced Multiple Sol-Gel-Sol Transitions of Aqueous Solution of a Thermo- and Light-Sensitive Hydrophilic Block Copolymer. Macromolecules 2009, 42, (21), 8468-8476
Leng, S.; Wex, B.; Chan, L. H.; Graham, M. J.; Jin, S.; Jing, A. J.; Jeong, K.-U.; Van Horn, R. M.; Sun, B.; Zhu, M.; Kaafarani, B. R.; Cheng, S. Z. D., Phase Transitions and Structures of Novel Pyrenes Potentially Useful in Photovoltaic Applications. J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, (16), 5403-5411.
Xue, C. M.; Sun, R. K.; Abadi, D.; Jin, S. “Perylene monoanhydride biester: a versatile soluble reagent for unsymmetrically substituted perylene derivatives” Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 853.
Xue, C. M.; Chen, M. Z. Jin, S. “Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Chiral Nonracemic Main-Chain Perylene-containing Polyesters” Polymer, 2008, 49, 5314.
Mukherjee, Narayan; Sun, Chivin; Marie, Bilal; Jin, Shi; Peetz, Ralf M. Soluble and processable conjugated polyazines with oligo(p-phenylene vinylene)s. Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 1037-1040.
Sun, R. K.; Xue, C. M.; Owak, M.; Peetz, R. M.; Jin, S. “Facile synthesis of chiral unsymmetric perylene tetracarboxylic diimides involving a-amino acids” Tetrahedron Lett. 2007, 48, 6696–6699.
Jin, S.; Kwang, K.-U.; Tu, Y. F.; Graham, M. J.; Wang, J.; Harris, F. W.; Cheng, S. Z. D. “Structure of Macroscopic Monodomains and Its Soft Confinements of Chiral Smectic Phases on Crystallization in a Main-Chain Nonracemic Liquid Crystalline Polyester” Macromolecules 2007, 40, 5450-5459.
Xu, Yijin; Leng, Siwei; Xue, Chenming; Sun, Runkun; Pan, Jie; Ford, Jason and Jin, Shi “A room-temperature liquid-crystalline phase with crystalline p stacks” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 3896-3899.