Sarah Pollack

Associate Professor

Sarah Pollack’s scholarship focuses on the politics of literary translation, the intersections between philosophy and contemporary Latin American poetry, and Latin American Orientalisms. Her work has been published in journals such as PMLA  and Comparative Literature.  She is also a literary translator from Spanish into English.

Professor Pollack has an appointment at The Graduate Center’s PhD program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures. She was the lead creator of the Program in Latin American, Caribbean and Latina/o Studies (LACLS) at CSI. She was an Andrew W. Mellon Transformative Learning in the Humanities Faculty Fellow and was the PI for an Andrew W. Mellon Black, Race and Ethnic Studies (BRES) grant. She is currently Chair of the Department of World Languages and Literatures. 


Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

M.A. University of Arizona at Tucson

B.A., Earlham College

Scholarship and Publications


Sarah Pollack and Tamara R. Williams, Eds. Los oficios del nómada: Fabio Morábito ante la crítica. México: UNAM, 2015.


“After Bolaño: Rethinking the Politics of Latin American Literature in Translation.”  PMLA. 128.3 (2013): 660-67.

“Latin America Translated (Again): Roberto Bolaño’s The Savage Detectives in the United States.” Comparative Literature. 61.3 (2009):346-365.

“La nada y sus contextos: la ausencia de la obra en El libro vacío de Josefina Vicens.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. LXV.3 (2011): 615-634.

““La odisea bárbara del buen vecino: Daniel Sada y las políticas de la traducción en Estados Unidos.” ISTOR. 57 (Summer 2014): 129-144.

Las traducciones literarias y culturales de Juan Villoro.” Materias dispuestas: Juan Villoro ante la crítica. José Ramón Ruisánchez and Oswaldo Zavala, Eds. Barcelona: Candaya, 2011. 367-386.  

“From West to East: The Transformation of the Subject in the Poetry of Alberto Girri.” Orientalismos. Juan Torres-Pou, Ed. Barcelona: Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, 2010. 65-78.  


Vitale, Ida. Time Without Keys: Selected Poems. (Poetry). Trans. Sarah Pollack. New York: New Directions, 2023.

Mallard, Alain-Paul. An Evocation of Matthias Stimmberg. (Prose). Trans. Sarah Pollack. Cambridge: Wakefield Press, 2021.

Graciano, Mariana. Passages. (Prose). Trans. Sarah Pollack. New York: Chatos Inhumanos, 2018. 

Castillero, Silvia Eugenia. Eloise. (Poetry). Trans. Sarah Pollack. Greensboro: Unicorn Press. 2015.

Vitale, Ida. Reason Enough. (Poetry). Trans. and Intro. Sarah Pollack. New York: Host Publications, 2007.

Villoro, Juan. “The Phantom Wing.” (Short Story) Trans. Sarah Pollack. Gulf Coast. 27.1 (2014): 262-79.

Last Updated: 12.07.2015

Picture of Sarah Pollack

Contact Information

Office: Building 2S Room 109A
Fax: 718.982.3712