Russell S. Rosen, earned his B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in education from Columba University. Publications and research interests are in psycholinguistics and applied linguistics of American Sign Language; second language acquisition, instruction, curriculum, and assessment; the anthropology and history of deaf people and their community and culture; and Disability Studies. He has present at conferences such as Modern Language Association, American Association of Geographers, Deaf Studies Conference, International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition, American Sign Language Teachers Association Conference, and many others.
Ph.D. Columbia University
B.A. University of Chicago
He has published two books, Learning American Sign Language in high school: Motivation, strategies, and achievement (2015), and Teaching and learning signed languages: International perspectives and practices (with David McKee and Rachel McKee, eds.) (2014). He has also published numerous book chapters, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, and articles in peer-reviewed journals such as The Modern Language Journal, Disability and Society, Sign Language Studies, Senses and Society, Disability Studies Quarterly, Sign Language and Linguistics, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, and American Annals of the Deaf.