As a scholar my work is informed by critical race and critical multicultural theory, womanist and feminist theory, critical multiculturalism, and sociocultural theory. My research interests reflect critical pedagogical approaches to literacy and academic achievement for linguistically and racially diverse students with a particular focus on urban settings.
PhD Literacy Education, University of Maryland, College Park
MA Literacy Education, University of the District of Columbia
BA History, Howard University
Wong, S. & Grant, R. (in press). Critical race, feminist/womanist & post colonial perspectives for peace making in multilingual multicultural classrooms. In R. Oxford (Ed.) Language of peace in a global society. Information Age Publishing.
Austin, T., Pirbhai-Illich, F., Grant, R., Tinker Sachs, G., Wong, S., Nasser, I., Kumagai,Y .(in press).From research to transformative action: Interpreting research critically.In Bhopal, K., & Deuchar, R. (Eds.).Researching marginalized groups. New York andLondon: Routledge.
Grant, R. A. (2014). Addressing culture and context for urban students in the content classroom: Recognizing oral tradition and drama as cultural tools. In M. Baffoe & L. A. Boahene (eds.), African traditional and oral literatures as pedagogical tools in content area classrooms K-12 (pp.185-202). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Grant, R. A. & Austin, T. Y. (2013). Literacy and English language learners. In M. H. Haley & T. Y. Austin, T. Y. Content-based second language teaching and learning (pp. 194-236). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Grant. R. (2012). Double Dutch as community cultural wealth in the writing of African American middle school girls, Languages and Linguistics, 29-30,15-38.