Maureen joined CSI after three years as Reference and Instruction Librarian at Bank Street College of Education. Prior to that she worked at the Library Council of Ireland, the Royal Irish Academy, Hudson County Community College, and John Jay College where her CUNY experience began. She holds Master’s degrees in political philosophy and library science. A strong advocate for libraries, she is dedicated to working with faculty colleagues on student information literacy with an eye to student retention and success.
Master of Library Science, City University London
Master of Arts, National University of Ireland
Garvey, M. (2021). “Virtual reference amid COVID-19 campus closure: A case study and assessment,” Reference Services Review 49(2).
Garvey, M. (2021). “Neoliberalism and public library policy in Ireland, 1998–2011: From the first government policy document to the first general election after the Great Recession,” IFLA Journal, doi:10.1177/0340035220983354.
Garvey, M. & McEvilly, C. (2018). “Sharing resources amid technological scarcity: a sketch of historical and current resource-sharing practices in Cuba,” Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 42(3).
Garvey, M., Hays, A. & Stempler, A.F. (2017). "A collaborative intervention: Measuring the impact of a flipped classroom approach on library one-shots for the composition classroom," Collaborative Librarianship 9(4). Available at:
Jardine, E., Garvey, M., & Cho, J.S. (2017). “Open access and global inclusion: A look at Cuba,” The Proceedings of the Association of College and Research Libraries 2017 Conference (pp.469-477). Available at: nAccessandGlobalInclusion.pdf