Professor Linda L. Coull is a faculty member in the Department of Economics within the School of Business. She has taught both microeconomics and macroeconomic at the introductory and intermediate levels. In addition, she has taught advanced undergraduate courses in Industrial Organization, Health Economics in the School of Business as well as Development Disabilities in the School of Health Sciences.
Prof. Coull has published several papers in the fields of social work and economics, specifically on the topic of developmental disabilities.
In previous years Professor Coull has served on numerous Committees including the School of Business Commencement Committee and the Disability Studies Advisory Committee. Presently she is serving on the CSI Library Committee and as an alternate member on the college-wide General Education Committee.
MS Business Economics, Brooklyn College/CUNY
BS Economics, College of Staten Island/CUNY
(2008), “What’s Working and Not Working: Using focus groups to address quality of life of people living in group homes” Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 20, pp.1-9.
(2007), “Self-Advocate Versus Proxy Perspectives on Quality of Life,” Journal of Policy and Practice in Development Disabilities, 3, pp. 210-212.
Keynote address: Community Legislative Brunch for Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Council, February 2014.
Conference planning with Dr. David Goode for annual Willowbrook Memorial Lectures at CSI/CUNY, various years.