Jonathan R. Peters is a professor of finance and data analytics in the Accounting and Finance Department in the Lucille and Jay Chazanoff School of Business at the College of Staten Island of The City University of New York.
He is also a Member of the Doctoral Faculty in the Ph.D. Program in Economics and in the Ph.D. Program in Earth and Environmental Science at the CUNY Graduate School and is a Research Fellow at The University Transportation Research Center at The City College of New York. Dr. Peters has also taught Geospatial Humanities in the CUNY Graduate Center M.A. Program in Digital Humanities..
Dr. Peters has and is serving as an expert and chair on panels at the National Academy of Sciences and is a subject matter expert in the areas of transportation finance, demand management, social justice and road pricing. He is currently a member of the Trucking Research Committee at the Transportation Research Board.
Dr. Peters conducts research in the areas of geospatial analysis, historic trails and roads, regional planning, road and mass transit financing, corporate and public sector performance metrics, social justice, capital costs and performance management.
He has recently published in Transportation Research, the Journal of Public Transportation and the Transportation Research Record of the National Academy of Sciences.
AAS, College of Staten Island
BS, College of Staten Island
MA, Hunter College
PhD, CUNY Graduate School
Petrucelli, Joseph R. and Peters, Jonathan R. “Preventing Fraud and Mismanagement in Government – Systems and Structures”. Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. November 2016.
Remy, Coline, Brakewood, Candace, Ghahramani, Niloofar, Kwak, Eun Jin and Peters, Jonathan
“Transit Information Utilization during an Extreme Weather Event: An Analysis of Smartphone App Data” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2672. Fall 2018. 90-100.
Brakewood, Candace, Ghahramani, Niloofar, Peters, Jonathan, Kwak, Eunjin and Sion, Jake
”Real Time Riders: A First Look at User Interaction Data from the Back End of Transit and Shared Mobility Smartphone App.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2658. Fall 2017. 56-63.
Peters, Carl E., Peters, Jonathan R., Gordon, Cameron E. (2017) ”Who Pays for Local Streets? Who Should Pay? Survey of New Jersey Municipalities”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2670. Fall 2017. 24-32.
Bueno, Paola C., Gomez, Juan, Peters, Jonathan R. and Vassallo, José Manuel. (2017) “Understanding the effects of transit benefits on employees’ travel behavior: Evidence from the New York – New Jersey Region.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Volume 99, May 2017, 1-13.
Peters, Jonathan R., King, David A., Gordon, Cameron and Santiago, Nora Tabori (2015)”For whom the CPI tolls: reporting of road pricing in the Consumer Expenditure Survey”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2350. 55-64.
Kramer, Jonathan K., Walker, John S., Peters, Jonathan R. (2014) "Help Your Students Realize Their Retirement Dreams by Quantifying the Cost of Procrastination". Journal of Economics and Finance Education. Volume 13. Number 1, 45-57.
King, David A., Gordon, Cameron E., Peters, Jonathan R. (2014) “Does Road Pricing Affect Port Freight Activity: Recent Evidence from the Port of New York and New Jersey” Research in Transportation Economics. Volume 44. Pages 1-70 - Summer 2014, 2-11.
Gordon, Cameron E., Bajrami, Bukurije, Santiago, Nora & Peters, Jonathan R.
(2013) “A Bridge Too Far? Staten Island, New York-Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Missed Connection”. Journal of Public Transportation. Volume 16, Number 3, 1-22.
Gordon, Cameron E., Kress Michael E. and Peters, Jonathan R. (2013) “ Microstructure in Transport Markets: an analysis of a detailed database of New York City taxicabs”. The Journal of Science and Technology. Published by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Peters, Jonathan R. and Kramer, Jonathan K. (2012) "Just Who Should Pay for What? Vertical Equity, Transit Subsidy and Road Pricing: The Case of New York City". Journal of Public Transportation. Volume 15. Number 2, 117-136.
Peters, Jonathan R., Shim, Hyoung Suk and Kress, Michael E. (2011) “Disaggregate Multimodal Travel Demand Modeling Based on Road Pricing and Access to Transit”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Volume 2263, 57-65
Shim, Hyoung Suk and Peters, Jonathan R. (2011) “Electronic Toll Collection Systems and Travel Demand: A Field Experiment of Toll Facilities in New York City”. The Journal of Regional Studies and Development. Volume 20, Number 1, 407-438.
Gordon, Cameron E. and Peters, Jonathan R. (2011) “Applying Lorenz Curves to a Detailed Data Set of User of Metropolitan Transportation Administration Bridges in New York City”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Volume 2221, 96-103.