Harry Thorne


Harry Thorne is the co-coordinator of both the Writing Program and the Writing Across the Curriculum Program at CSI. He is in interested in researching and developing pedagogical practices that enable first-year students to engage more readily with academic ideas. He is a founding member of the Staten Island Writes Collaborative, which aims to close the gap between high school and college writing by offering writing pedagogy workshops for high school teachers.  ​


M.A. in English, University of Sussex

Scholarship and Publications

Selected Publications

Book Chapter
“The New York School is a Joke: The Poetics of C: A Journal of Poetry” published
   in Don’t  Ever Get Famous: Essays on New York Poetry in the 1960s and ‘70s, edited
   by Daniel Kane. Champaign: Dalkey Archives Press, 2006.

Essays, Poems, and Reviews

“Ordinary Revolutionaries” in Upping the Anti 12. Toronto: UTA Publications, 2011.

“Being Rakosi: A Recovery of Carl Rakosi’s Ex-Cranium, Night” in Octopus Magazine, 2011.

Biannual Poetry Reviews for Galatea Resurrects edited by Eileen Tabios, 2010 - 2012

Poems published in Chain: An International Journal of the Arts 12. Philadelphia: Chain
Arts, 2005.

Contact Information

Office: Building 2S Room 227
Fax: 718.982.3643