Dr. Gwendolyn Robinson has a Doctor of Social Work degree from Capella University, Minneapolis MN, a Masters of Social Work from Fordham University, New York, NY, and a Bachelor of Arts in Community and Human Services from SUNY Empire State College, Saratoga Springs NY. Her clinical and administrative experiences are in substance use disorders and mental health. As an educator, Dr. Robinson has experience in teaching online courses in the field of social work. Her area of research focus is in treating substance use disorders for those with mild and borderline intellectual disabilities
D.S.W. Capella University
M S.W. Fordham University
B.A. SUNY Empire State College
Robinson, G. (2023). Identifying best practices in treating substance use for people with intellectual disabilities. (Publication No. 30524987) [Doctoral dissertation, Capella University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global