Giancarlo Lombardi conducted his undergraduate studies in Italy, where he began his investigation of contemporary world literature. He came to the United States in 1990, and obtained a Ph.D. in Romance Studies at Cornell University, where he pursued his interests in 19th and 20th century Italian, French, English, and American literature, literary theory, film studies, and cultural studies. He taught Italian cinema at the University of Rochester, and then spent four years at Smith College, where he taught Italian language and literature. Since 1999, he has been working at the College of Staten Island, where he coordinated the Italian program as well as teaching courses in Italian, Film Studies, American Studies, Women’s Studies as well as Science, Letters and Society. In 2002, he received an appointment in the Comparative Literature program at the Graduate Center, where he has taught courses on Italian Cinema, Italian Women Writers, the Decadent Movement, and Gender Studies. Since 2014, he has been serving as Executive Officer (Chair) of the PhD/MA Program in Comparative Literature at the Graduate Center.
Laurea, Universitá di Roma "La Sapienza"
MA, Cornell University
PhD, Cornell University
Giancarlo Lombardi’s research has followed several paths over the years. His first articles on contemporary European and American women writers eventually led to the publication, in 2002, of a book on feminist fictional journals entitled Rooms With a View: Feminist Diary Fiction (Fairleigh Dickinson UP). Since the mid 90’s he has also been very active in the field of Italian film studies, publishing several articles on contemporary Italian cinema. He has co-edited three volumes on this subject: Terrorism Italian Style: The Representation of Terrorism and Political Violence in Contemporary Italian Cinema (IGRS, 2011), Remembering Aldo Moro: Historiographical and Cultural Representations of the Moro Affair (Legenda, 2012) and Nuovo cinema politico: Public Life, Imaginary and Identity in Contemporary Italian Film (Lang, 2016). For the past decade, his research has shifted towards the study of television drama: he has published extensively on Italian seriality and, after extensive teaching of Pop Culture courses in the American Studies program at CSI, on US television drama such as Lost and The Sopranos. Most recently, he has widened the scope of his analysis of television drama to a comparative approach that encompasses serial production from Europe and the Americas. He's currently working on two book manuscripts, one on classic Italian television from the 60s and 70s (Belfagor e dintorni) and another on global seriality (Television without Borders).