M.A. Anthropology, Warsaw University, Poland
M.L.S. Simmons College, Boston
Selected Publications
"History of the three major academic libraries in Partitioned Poland. The Polish Review 63, no 1 (2018): 29-48.
"Evaluating and planning for interdisciplinary Collection development, a case of East Asian collection at the College of Staten Island" Collection Building 34, no. 2 (2015): 51-58.
“Antecedents of Warsaw Public Library.” Library and Information History 27, no.1 (2011): 17-31.
"Metamorphosis of academic libraries in post-communist Poland: focusing on access.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 36, no.4 (2010): 354-358.
“Academic libraries in Poland. University of Warsaw Library as an example of library transformation in post – communist Poland.” LIBRI 59, no.3 (2009): 135-144.
“The role of NUKAT union catalog in shaping the society of knowledge in Poland, January 2008 conference report.” Slavic & East European Information Resources (SEEIR) 9, no.3 (2008): 234-238.
“Sula Benet.” In Etnografowie i ludoznawcy polscy : sylwetki, szkice biograficzne. t III [Polish ethnographers and folklorists, v. 3]]. Wroclaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze, 2010
“The challenge of evaluating and developing an interdisciplinary collection : The East Asian Collection at the public college”. The importance of being earnest: Charleston Library Conference Proceedings, Charleston, SC. 2014.
“Antropolodzy na wojnie. Michał Kowalski: Antropolodzy na wojnie: o „brudnej” użyteczności nauk społecznych. [Anthropologists at war – about „dirty” usefulness of social sciences] Stan rzeczy 11, no 2 (2017) (Book review)
“Literatura Polska w Izraelu: leksykon.” [Polish literature in Israel; lexicon] Slavic & East European Information Resources (SEEIR) 15, no.4 (2014): 260-261. ) (Book review)
“Antropolog z karabinem na ramieniu.” [Anthropologist with a rifle on his shoulder] OP.CIT 4, no. 41 (2008): 36-40.
“The role of NUKAT Warsaw Poland 23-25 January 2008, report.”International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control (ICBC)37, no.3 (2008): 42, 59.
“W kręgu Indiańskich babek: Paula Gunn Allen 1939-2008.” [In the circle of Indian grandmothers: Paula Gunn Allen 1939-2008] TAWACIN 82, no.2 (2008): 5-8.
“Open stacks at the University of Warsaw Library: a historical change.” International Leads: A publication of the International Relations Round Table of the American Library Association 22, no.1 (2008): 1, 7.
“Kobieta Pająk : o twórczości Leslie Marmon Silko.” [Spider Woman: Introduction to the works of Leslie Marmon Silko.] TAWACIN 77, no.1 (2007): 40-43.
“Ukołysać popękany świat.” [Lullaby for a broken world. An analysis of a short story Lullaby by Leslie Marmon Silko.] TAWACIN78, no.2 (2007): 8-9.
TRANSLATIONS (English to Polish)
Turner, Victor W. Ritual Process. Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2010. [Polish title: Proces rytualny]
Douglas, Mary. Natural symbols. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2004. [Polish title: Symbole naturalne]
Geertz, Clifford. Works and lives: anthropologist as an author. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo KR, 2000. [Polish title: Dzieło i życie:Antropolog jako autor]
Turner, Victor. “Liminality and Communitas.” In Ritual process; structure and anti-structure. In Badanie Kultury. Elementy teorii antropologicznej, edited by Ewa Nowicka, Marian Kempny. v.2, 240-266. Warsaw: PWN, 2004. [Polish title: Liminalność i communitas]
Sahlins, Marshall. “Other times other customs.” In Badanie Kultury. Elementy teorii antropologicznej, edited by Ewa Nowicka, Marian Kempny,v. 1, 117-145. Warsaw: PWN, 2003. [Polish title: Inne czasy, inne zwyczaje]
Clifford, James. “Identity in Mashpee.” In The Predicament of Culture. Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature and Art. In Kłopoty z Kulturą, 299-370. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo KR, 2000. [Polish title: Tożsamość w Mashpee]
Clifford, James. “The tropological realism of Michel Leiris.”KONTEKSTY 59, no.3-4 (2007): 48-56. [Polish title: Metaforyczny realizm Michela Leirisa]
Wright, Terence. “Shadows of reality projected on the screen of appearances; Malinowski, Witkacy and photography.” KONTEKSTY54, no.1-4 (2000): 17-21. [Polish title: Cienie rzeczywistości rzucone na ekran zjawisk]
SHORT STORY translations:
Silko, Leslie Marmon. “Storyteller.” TAWACIN 81, no.1 (2008): 3-11.
Silko, Leslie Marmon. “Kołysanka.” [Lullaby] TAWACIN 78, no.2 (2007): 3-8.
TRANSLATIONS (Polish to English)
Tokarska-Bakir, Joanna. “Obsessed with innocence.”In The Neighbors respond: the controversy over the Jedwabne massacre in Poland, edited by Anthony Polonsky, Joanna Beata Michlic, 75-86. PrincetonNJ: PrincetonUniversity Press, 2004.