David Allen

Professor and Department Chairperson

David Allen’s research focuses on how groups collaborate and create together, in schools and other settings. He employs qualitative and arts-based research methodologies. He is currently studying performing arts practices as teaching and learning processes, as well as learning communities within the juvenile justice system and a statewide network of school superintendents. In another study, he is researching writers' reflections on Staten Island in the 20th century. He has been a researcher at the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST), Teachers College, Columbia University; Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education; and the Coalition of Essential Schools, Brown University. He has taught English and ESL at the middle school, secondary, college, and adult education levels. He was a lecturer in English at the University of Warsaw as part of the first Peace Corps mission to Central Europe; later, he received a Fulbright fellowship to study school reform in Poland.


Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

M.A.T., Brown University

B.A., Oberlin College

Scholarship and Publications


Roegman, R., Allen, D., Leverett, L., Thompson, S., & Hatch, T. (2019). Equity Visits: A New Approach to Supporting Equity-Focused School and District Leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Allen, D., Blythe, T., Dichter, A., & Lynch, T. (2018). Protocols in the Classroom: Tools to Help Students Read, Write, Think, and Collaborate. New York: Teachers College Press.

Allen, D., & Blythe, T. (2015). Facilitating for Learning: Tools for Teacher Groups of All Kinds. New York: Teachers College Press.

Blythe, T., Allen D., Powell, B.S. (2015). Looking Together at Student Work, Third Edition. Teachers College Press, New York.

Allen, D. (2013). Powerful Teacher Learning: What the Theatre Arts Teach about Collaboration. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education

Allen, D., with Ort, S., Constantini, A., Reist, J., & Schmidt, J. (2008). Coaching Whole School Change: Lessons in Practice from a Small High School. New York: Teachers College Press.

Allen D. & Blythe, T. (2004). The Facilitator’s Book of Questions: Tools for Looking Together at Student and Teacher Work.  New York: Teachers College Press.

Weinbaum, A., Allen, D., Blythe, T., Simon, K, Seidel, S., & Rubin, C. (2004). Teaching as Inquiry: Asking Hard Questions to Improve Practice and Student Achievement. New York: Teachers College Press.

Allen, D. (Ed.). (1998). Assessing Student Learning: From Grading to Understanding. New York: Teachers College Press.

Selected journal articles:

Someki, F., & Allen, D. (2020). Reframing Assessment as Relational: How Do Teachers of Incarcerated Youth Understand Assessment? Education and Urban Society.

Roegman, R., Allen, D., & Hatch, T. (2019). Dismantling Roadblocks to Equity: The Impact of Advanced Placement Initiatives on Black and Latinx Students' Access and Performance. Teachers College Record. 

Allen, D., & Blythe, T. (2018). The Aesthetics of Facilitation: Cultivating Teacher Leadership. International Journal of Teacher Leadership.

Allen, D., & Laine, E. (2018). The Integrated Spectator: Theatre Audiences and Pedagogy, Research in Drama Education

Roegman, R., Allen, D., & Hatch, T. (2017). The Elusiveness of Equity: Evolution of Instructional Rounds in a Superintendents’ Network, American Journal of Education

Allen, D., Roegman, R., & Hatch, T. (2016). Investigating Discourses for Administrators’ Learning within Instructional Rounds. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.

Allen, D. (2016). The Resourceful Facilitator: Teacher Leaders Developing Identities as Facilitators of Teacher Peer Groups. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.

Allen, D. (2015). Teacher Learning as Collective Creation: Thinking with the Theatre Arts. Teacher Development

Allen, D. (2013). Reconstructing Professional Learning Community as Collective Creation. Improving Schools.

Allen, D., Ort, S., Schmidt, J. (2009). Supporting Classroom Assessment: Lessons from a Small School. Theory into Practice.

David Allen

Contact Information

Office: Building 3S Room 3S-207A
Fax: 718-982-3743
Office Hours

Tues. 5pm-6pm, Thurs. 5pm-6pm.