Christopher Miller specializes in English poetry and prose fiction ranging from the late seventeenth century through the Romantic era. He is the author of two books: Surprise: The Poetics of the Unexpected from Milton to Austen (Cornell, 2015), and The Invention of Evening: Perception and Time in Romantic Poetry (Cambridge, 2006).
Ph.D., Harvard University
B.A., Amherst College
"Being and Nothingness in Mansfield Park," Modern Philology 117:3 (February 2020).
"Invoking Keats," Keats-Shelley Journal 67 (2020).
“The Lyric Self in The Seasons,” in The Genres of the Seasons, ed. Sandro Jung and Kwinten Van De Walle (University of Delaware Press, 2019).
“Lyrical Genres,” in John Keats in Context, ed. Michael O’Neill (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
“Yet Once More: Milton’s Lyric Descendants,” in Milton in the Long Restoration, ed. Blair Hoxby and Ann Baines Coiro (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Surprise: The Poetics of the Unexpected from Milton to Austen (Cornell University Press, 2015).
“Genius and Originality, 1750-1830: Young, Wordsworth, and Shelley,” in The Blackwell Companion to British Literature, vol. 3, ed. Robert DeMaria et al. (Blackwell, 2014). Pp. 312-28.
2010, “Fresh Pastures New? The Romantic Afterlife of Pastoral Elegy,” Blackwell’s Companion to British Romanticism, ed. Mahoney.
2009, “Happily Ever After? The Necessity of Fairytale in Queen Mab,” in The Unfamiliar Shelley, ed. Weinberg and Webb.
2009, “Fine Suddenness: Keats’s Sense of a Beginning,” in Something Understood, ed. Burt and Halperin,
2009, “Coleridge and the English Poetic Tradition,” in The Oxford Handbook of Coleridge Studies, ed. Burwick.
2007, “Wordsworth’s Anatomies of Surprise,” Studies in Romanticism (2007).
2006, The Invention of Evening: Perception and Time in Romantic Poetry (Cambridge Univ. Press).
2005, “Jane Austen’s Aesthetics and Ethics of Surprise,” Narrative (2005).
2005, “Shelley’s Uncertain Heaven,” ELH 72, 577-603.
2005, “Staying Out Late: Anne Finch’s Poetics of Evening,” SEL 45:3, 603-23.