Dr. Kuklov is trained in theoretical physics, with an interest in so-called strongly correlated many body Condensed Matter systems. These include quantum phase transitions in superconductors and trapped ultracold atoms, exotic phases of matter, Monte Carlo simulations of atomic lattice systems, and Supersolids. His work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under the grants: PHY-1005527; PHY- 0653135; PHY 0426814; DMR-1720251,2017-2020..
Ongoing Projects: Supersolid state of topological defects in solid He4, Deconfined criticality, Spinor Bose-Einstein condensates and their phase transitions, Dipolar molecules in optical lattices and their quantum phase transitions, and Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for spin liquids and frustrated magnetics.
More information on the topics and collaborations can be found on the website: http://mcwa.csi.cuny.edu/umass supported by the National Science Foundation
PhD in Physics, Odessa State University, Ukraine
MS in Physics, Moscow Engineering and Physics Technical University
Main Publications: http://arxiv.org/find/cond-mat/1/au:+kuklov/0/1/0/all/0/1