Alyson Bardsley

Associate Professor

Professor Bardsley’s research interests include cognitive literary studies; disabilities, particularly neurodivergence, in literature and culture; feminism, and feminist pedagogy. She primarily teaches courses in CSI’s Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and literature courses, often with a focus on gender or on disabilities. 


BA, The George Washington University

PhD University of California, Berkeley

Scholarship and Publications

Professor Bardsley has presented papers in Canada, Scotland, and Wales, as well as all over the U. S. She has published essays in such diverse journals as Modern Fiction Studies, The Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities, Feminist Teacher, Modern Philology, and  Nineteenth-Century Contexts, as well as a chapters in the volumes from  Cambridge University Press and Bucknell University Press

Associate Professor Alyson Bardsley

Contact Information

Office: Building 2S Room 203
Fax: 718.982.3643