General application for all graduate programs
(The graduate application must be completed on the appropriate common application system (CAS) listed below. Once you create an application profile, you will then search "Staten Island". Click on + to add the appropriate program)
- GradCAS (for all graduate programs - not Business or DPT)
- BusinessCAS (only for Business programs - Accounting, Business Management and Healthcare Management)
- PTCAS (only for Doctorate in Physical Therapy DPT program)
Visiting/ Non-Degree Graduate Student (for those seeking GRADUATE Level Courses)
Students enrolled in another college may enroll as visiting non-matriculated student if they are in good academic standing at their home college and have permission to take courses at CSI. In addition, a select number of courses in participating programs / departments are available for students who wish to take courses for personal or professional reasons, without intending to pursue a degree. Not all graduate courses are open to non-matriculated students.
Returning Graduate Student
Graduate students who do not register for a semester and then decide to return in a subsequent semester, and who have not maintained their matriculated status, must apply for readmission. Students who were admitted to a graduate program within the last year but did not attend may use this form to request an admissions deferral.