Benefits & Requirements

Benefits & Requirements

As an ASAP student, you will receive a variety of support toward the completion of your Associate’s Degree en-route to your Baccalaureate Degree at CSI:

  • A dedicated ASAP advisor to guide your progress from entry to graduation;
  • Enhanced career development and academic support services.
  • Opportunities to take classes with fellow ASAP students to foster community and build your network;
  • Priority registration to help you get the classes you need;
  • A tuition gap scholarship for any difference between tuition costs and your financial aid award for students in receipt of financial aid;
  • Free use of MetroCard or campus parking;
  • Funding toward textbooks.

Are you up for the CSI ASAP challenge?  Let us help you achieve your college education goals!  There’s no catch, but in exchange for all of these resources, you will need to:

  • Enroll full-time (minimum 15 credits) each semester and maintain good academic standing.
  • Earn a minimum of 30 credits by the end of each of the four academic years (Note: Students may be required to take winter and/or summer courses to meet this credit completion benchmark.)
  • Complete any developmental course needs within the first year.
  • Meet regularly with your advisor and attend any required academic support and student engagement activities.
  • File for FAFSA (Federal) and TAP (NYS) financial aid each year, and complete all verification and follow-up steps as required by the Office of Financial Aid.  (Note: You must accept all financial aid awards for which you are deemed eligible.)

Contact Information

Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)

Building 5N, Room 112
Fax: 71
Email Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)

Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM