Program Description
The Teacher Education Honors Academy (TEHA) at the College of Staten Island has been awarded a major grant from the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program of the National Science Foundation, for a total intended amount of

$1,012,325 over a five year period. Our project is titled “Strengthening the Mathematics and Science Teacher Pathways in the Post-Pandemic Environment” and is focused on improving and expanding high school teacher training in several Science, Technology and Mathematic (STEM) disciplines.
The bulk of the funds will be used to provide $12,000 scholarships to twelve perspective STEM teachers each year. The grant will also support two summer internships per years (to enable our stu-dent to teach in the summer programs at local high schools) and travel to national conference for the participating faculty. These scholarships are important because many of our students need to support themselves, and working outside the college often slows down their academic progress.
A novel and important activity that will be funded by the grant will be hiring “induction mentors,” meaning TEHA alumni working in local schools who will assist new-hired teachers from TEHA as they start working in high-need public schools. The grant is also designed to support building “bridge pro-grams” for graduates from CUNY community colleges interested in completing a four-year degree at CSI and becoming STEM teachers.
The Principal Investigator for the grant is Prof. Carlo Lancellotti of the Department of Mathematics. The co-Pis are Prof. Nelly Tournaki in the School of Education and Doctoral Lecturers Joseph Quinn and Wenjuan Li (both in the Department of Mathematics) and Leah Cohen (in the Chemistry Department). Dr. Deirdre Armitage in the School of Education is also an active member of the TEHA-Noyce team.
How to Become a Noyce Scholar
Students interested in becoming “Noyce Scholars” should contact TEHA immediately at our dedicated email address,