Ariyeh Maller

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Professor Maller received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley and his PhD from the University of California, Santa Cruz.  After postdocs at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and UMASS, Amherst, he has been a faculty member in Physics at the New York City College of Technology.  His research focuses on understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies.  Part of this research is done using hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation.


Contact Information

Ariyeh Maller, PhD

Associate Professor

New York City College of Technology
Email Ariyeh Maller, PhD

Department: Physics

Discipline:  Astrophysics

Research Title

The Scylla Research Project

The Scylla research project is comparing different numerical codes used to model galaxy formation by running six different codes on the same initial conditions. By studying how the simulated galaxies from each code differ an idea of the total theoretical uncertainty in our understanding of galaxy formation can be established. Differences between models can be used to understand the effects of differing physics and physical implementation.

High Angular Momentum Halo Gas: A Feedback and Code Independent Prediction of LCDM, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 843, Issue 1, article id. 47, 15 pp. (2017)

  • Stewart, Kyle R. (Cal Babtista)
  • Oñorbe, Jose (Heidelberg)
  • Bullock, James S. (UC Irvine)
  • Joung, M. Ryan (Columbia)
  • Devriendt, Julien (Oxford)
  • Ceverino, Daniel (Heidelberg)
  • Kereš, Dušan (UC San Diego)
  • Hopkins, Philip F. (Caltech)
  • Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André (Northwestern)

One of the simulations run in our comparison project was run on the HPC.