Areg Ghazaryan

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I obtained my PhD on physics of semiconductor nanostructures on 2011 at Yerevan State University, Armenia. I worked at the same university in the Department of Physics till 2013 as researcher. From 2013-2015 I was a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics and Astronomy of University of Manitoba, Canada. Starting from 2016 I hold the position of Research Scholar at the Department of Physics of the City College of New York in the group of Prof. Pouyan Ghaemi.

Contact Information

Areg Ghazaryan, PhD

Research Scholar (postdoc)

The City College of New York
Email Areg Ghazaryan, PhD

Department: Department of Physics

Discipline:  Theoretical condensed matter physics

Research Title

Investigation of topological phases in light-matter coupled systems

My main research interest for the last few years is in fractional quantum Hall effect and characterization of different phases in numerous systems using exact-diagonalization techinque. Currently I am mostly interested in realization of those phases in light-matter coupled systems. I have also strong interests in excitons and exciton-polaritons in newly discovered 2D systems and how they can be utilized for information storage and control. Recently I have started working also on defects in high Tc superconductors and characterization of the excitations in those systems.

Areg Ghazaryan, Tobias Graß, Michael J. Gullans, Pouyan Ghaemi, and Mohammad Hafezi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 247403 (2017).

My research utilizes exact-diagonalization technique extensively, which is related to diagonalization of giant matrices. For this purpose the availability of shared memory machine with large amount of RAM like Karle is essential. Therefore, HPC facilities are indispensable component of my research and I use them in everyday calculations.