Faculty and Staff

CDN faculty

Zaghloul Ahmed
Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
Neuronal injury and repair, electromagnetic stimulation, rehabilitative techniques and devices

Alejandra del Carmen Alonso
Professor, Department of Biology
Mechanism of tau-induced neurodegeneration

Probal Banerjee
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Neurochemistry of synaptic plasticity

Abdeslem El-Idrissi
Professor, Department of Biology
Environmental and genetic disruptors on cellular and synaptic development

Maria Knikou
Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
Clinical neurophysiology, sensorimotor integration, corticospinal neuronal pathways, spinal neuronal circuits, H-reflex, TMS, rehabilitation

William L’Amoreaux
Professor, Department of Biology
Biology of the retina, neuroendocrinology related diabetes.

Dan McCloskey
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Neuroanatomical correlates of social behavior in the naked mole-rat

Greg Phillips
Professor, Department of Biology
Interim Director, Center for Developmental Neuroscience
Cell adhesion and synaptic connectivity

Sebastien Poget
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Structure of ion channels and modulatory toxins

Leora Yetnikoff
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Novel dopamine neuron innervation pathways

Andrzej Wieraszko
Professor, Department of Biology
Electrical and magnetic stimulation of neural tissue following injury

Associated faculty from the Institute for Basic Research

Kathryn Chadman
Head, Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory
Behavioral pharmacology and mouse models of autism

Abha Chauhan
Head, Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory
Metabolic changes in autism and Alzheimer’s disease

Sara Rose Guariglia
Head, Digital Imaging Laboratory & Environmental Health & Neurodevelopment Laboratory
Investigate how the parental environment influences the neurodevelopment of offspring

Jeffrey Goodman
Head, Electrophysiology Laboratory
Deep brain stimulation and antiepileptogenic agents

Chen-Xin Gong
Head, Brain Metabolism Laboratory
Molecular signaling during neurodegeneration

Mohammed Junaid
Head, Structural Neurobiology Laboratory
Neuroepigenetic environmental influences

Gholson Lyon
Head, Genomic Medicine Laboratory
Genetics of rare neuropsychiatric diseases

Associated faculty from CSI

Sarah Berger
Professor, Department of Psychology

Patricia J. Brooks
Professor, Department of Psychology

Michael Bucaro
Research Associate, Department of Biology
Manager, Advanced Imaging Facility

Leah Cohen
Research Associate, Department of Chemistry

Natacha Gueorguieva
Professor, Department of Computer Science

Fred Naider
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Bertram Ploog
Professor, Department of Psychology

Ming Tang
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Jennifer Wagner
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology

Wei Zhang
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy

CDN staff

Teresa Lopez-Soto
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 718-982-3950