Termination Policy

Social Work Program (BSSW)
Termination from the BSSW Program

If a student is not performing well academically or professionally, or is unable to master basic knowledge or skills, or has violated the ethical standards of the profession, the academic advisor will report the difficulties to the BSSW Program Director. Difficulties specifically relating to field placement will also be reported by the field liaison to the Director of Field Education.  Regardless of where difficulties arise, it is the responsibility of the faculty, faculty advisor and/or field liaison to request a meeting of the Social Work Program’s Academic Review Committee.

The Academic Review Committee will meet as soon as practical to discuss the difficulty and determine appropriate action. The student will be asked to submit any written material prior to the meeting that may shed a light on the issues. The student will also have the opportunity to be present at the meeting to respond to the concerns of the faculty, but will not be present during deliberations and decision-making.

If the Committee determines that the difficulty can be resolved in a timely manner, consistent with Program and professional standards, a problem resolution plan will be developed by the Committee. The advisor will monitor the student’s progress and request that the Committee reconvene if the difficulty continues, or the student is still not progressing satisfactorily. A problem resolution plan may not be appealed. A student who refuses to follow the plan will be dismissed from the program.

If the Committee determines that, in its academic and professional judgment, the student is not meeting the standards of the program and the profession at the level expected of an undergraduate social work student, and that the difficulty is unlikely to be resolved quickly and satisfactorily with a problem resolution plan, the BSSW Program Director will notify the student by registered mail, within 14 days of the Committee meeting, that the student will be terminated from the BSSW Program.