Department of Performing and Creative Arts
The Drama Program
Contact: Dr. Maurya Wickstrom, Drama Coordinator
The Drama Program at the College of Staten Island integrates the practice of theatre and performance with academic learning. Students graduating with the B.S. in Drama will have encountered a bold curriculum that encourages new thinking, imaginative and rigorous practice, and the study of historical and contemporary forms and genres. Courses include, among others, new models of collaboration in the contemporary global theatre, the literature of the theatre as it changes through adaptations in performance, cutting edge and feminist performance, the histories of theatre and performance, directing and design, movement and voice, technical theatre, and theatre and education. Students have the opportunity to create their own work in the Lab Theatre, as well as to participate in faculty directed and designed productions in the course of their study. Faculty expertise includes international and cutting edge scholarship, professional New York City based design, and training in directing, devised performance, acting, design, applied theatre and solo performance. The degree prepares students for graduate school or independent work as theatre artists, as well as for a variety of other careers by training students in collaboration, empathy, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.
Drama Program Catalog Information
Drama Program Full-Time Faculty List:
Professor George Emilio Sanchez
Professor Maurya Wickstrom
Drama Events