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Know Your Campus

Fresh Kills

Campus-wide recycling: recycling bins are available in each building on each floor.

CSI annually recycles:

  • 65 tons of mixed paper
  • 21 tons of Plastic/Metal/Glass
  • 14,400 tons of electronics
  • 105 tons of clean construction & demolition materials
  • 2 tons of car batteries
  • 7.5 tons of car and truck tires
  • 1.6 tons of kitchen grease
  • That is a total of 14,602 tons!

RecycleMania: CSI participated in the competition since 2011!

Did you know?

  • When U.S. recycling levels reach 75% it will be the environmental and CO2 equivalent of removing 55 million cars from U.S. roads each year.
  • In less than 15 years, worldwide waste is expected to double.
  • Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.

Get Involved

On Your Campus

  • To recycle right here on campus just look out for the blue Pepsico Dream Machine recycling bins or other recycling bins located across the campus.

In the Office

  • You can try bringing reusable snack containers and water bottles to work every day.
  • You can also try to expand your workspace's recycling program or encourage your coworkers to use less paper. What's even better than recycling is no waste at all! So talk with your coworkers to spread the word about recycling!

Where You Live

  • NYC makes it easy to recycle at home with weekly recycling curbside pickups. NYC breaks up garbage into three separate categories: Landfill, paper, and metal, plastic and glass.
  • All recyclable paper products should be put in a clear plastic bag or tied up together. Cardboard boxes should be crushed and tied together. Here is a link to the DSNY's website on the exact paper products that can be recycled:
  • Recycling metal plastic and glass is even easier. They all get placed together in a clear plastic bag and that's it